I don't even know where to begin. This character started as a test character I only intended to keep for a couple weeks to piddle around with since the player counts dipped and it stuck. It stuck for two and a half years, in fact. I had no idea what I was getting in to. The character itself began with no real backstory or real thought because of that. I hated the name. Asither...ugh. His adjective was a troll adjective because well...a striking male elf strikes you with his fist causing a gush of BLOOD! Right...the list goes on and on.
I really hoped I was able to get some momentum going in Ayamao and I made sure to have someone in the wings to pick up the torch for me there who is willing to see it through. The fact is, real life wins out. We had twin girls in April. It has been amazing. But when it comes to sk, I was hoping to have these particular RPs wrapped up by then because I knew my workload would be too much and I tried my best to stick it out best I could but this was as far as I could make it. I hope those of you who got to interact with me on Asither enjoyed it.
There are SO many people to thank that I interacted with over the course of this character. I am going to attempt to name them all in no particular order, though I will list my mvps at the end who really had an influence on the character over a good portion of his life. Naubie, Arisa, Quango, Ebrex, Leila, Bim, Dedhorobrog, Xeric, Reykur, Krabr, Jerel, Aarogra, Gaelin, Basilius, Ardemon, Mathilgorion, Seracyn, Kovac, Fhin, Raug, Saphielle, Reven, Phaeril, Boarys, Jovin...my brain is struggling at this point because I am exhausted because I don't know what sleep is anymore. So. On to the MVPs who had a core influence on his character and story arch, and to no one's surprise I am sure for those who knew him, and again, in no particular order. Kilni, Gainas, Blythe. Those three characters had a tremendous impact on Asither because of their lasting influence over a long period of time. Thank you all for sharing your characters and experiences with me over the last few years.
As for me, this is it for me, Shattered Kingdoms. I have no intention of returning for many reasons, but the big one being I simply won't have the time to invest into SK like I have enjoyed investing in SK in the past. I wish all of you the best.
Last edited by Bones on Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.