Shattered Kingdoms

Where Roleplay and Tactics Collide
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 Post subject: Xendashan
PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 9:07 am 

Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2019 9:00 am
Posts: 55


o [Scores] Xendashan - Deputy of Shadows and Eastern Legions o


o Status: Grandmaster(1) Race: Deep-elf Class: Necromancer o

o Kingdom: Empire Religion: Sadr o

o Cabal: The Crucible of Shadows (Deputy) o

o Tribunal: The Imperial Legions (Deputy) o


o Coins: 5 platinum, 2 gold, 7 silver, 6 copper o

o Carrying: 0/13 items Load: 39.3/195.0 pounds o


o Health: Massacred Mental: Power hungry Physical: o Health: Massacred Mental: Power hungry Physical: Rested o

o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 0 percent Mode: Kill/neutral o


o You are standing. o


o You have earned 9 loyalty tokens with this character. o

o You have spent 5 loyalty tokens with this character. o

o You can spend 48 loyalty tokens for this character. o

o You have 57 unspent loyalty tokens in total. o

(C)ontinue - (R)efresh - (B)ack - (H)elp - (Q)uit [RETURN]:c

o You still have a long way to go before the next level. o

o You have played 152 hour(s) so far. o


[HP: 9%] [ME: 13%] [PE: 85%]

> att


o [Attributes] Xendashan - Deputy of Shadows and Eastern Legions o


o Status: Grandmaster(1) Race: Deep-elf Class: Necromancer o

o Age: 115 Sex: Male Size: Medium o

o Alignment: Diabolic Handiness: Right handed Religion: Sadr o

o Born: Nature 27, 1516 Birthday: 153 days o


o STR: Weak INT: Omniscient WIS: Wise o

o DEX: Limber CON: Healthy CHA: Influential o


o o Carrying capacity: 13 items with a maximum weight of 195.0 pounds. o


[HP: 9%] [ME: 13%] [PE: 85%]

> worth
Coins carried: 5 platinum, 2 gold, 7 silver, 6 copper.

You still have a long way to go before the next level.

You have only recently discovered this area.

[HP: 9%] [ME: 13%] [PE: 85%]

> spells

Innate - detect magic (mastered) faerie fire (mastered)

Amateur - armor (superb) cause light (mastered)

death shroud (superb)

Novice - blindness (mastered) chill touch (superb)

continual light (very good) deafness (very good)

detect hidden (very good) detect invis (very good)

Initiate - animate dead (superb) cause serious (mastered)

fly (superb) identify (superb)

sleep (superb) weaken (superb)

Apprentice- curse (very good) infravision (very good)

poison (very good) shield (good)

slow (very good) slow (very good) teleport (very good)

Journeyman- cause critical (mastered) dispel magic (superb)

feeblemind (good) plague (superb)

Veteran - fear (very good) xxx (mastered)

locate object (superb) summon (mastered)

vampiric touch (superb)

Expert - control undead (superb) detect aura (very good)

recharge (very good) rift (superb)

Mentor - energy drain (superb) spell ward (good)

xxx (very good)
(C)ontinue - (R)efresh - (B)ack - (H)elp - (Q)uit [RETURN]:c

Master - enchant weapon (superb) finger of death (mastered)

xxx (good)

[HP: 9%] [ME: 13%] [PE: 85%]

> skills

Innate - sneak (mastered)

Amateur - dagger (superb) siegecraft (good)

sling (not learned) staff (very good)

scrolls (superb) staves (superb)

swim (very good) wands (mastered)

taslamaran tongue (superb) uxmaln tongue (mastered)

zhensh tongue (mastered) empire tongue (mastered)

aghelian tongue (superb) sylvan tongue (superb)

firmyrn tongue (superb) deep tongue (mastered)

uxmaln writing (mastered) zhensh writing (very good)

firmyrn writing (superb) deep writing (mastered)

crucible cipher (superb)

Novice - meditation Novice - meditation (mastered)

Initiate - dodge (superb)

Apprentice- self defense (very good)

Journeyman- xxx (mastered) trance (superb)

Expert - xxx (mastered) leadership (very good)

scribe (mastered)

[HP: 9%] [ME: 13%] [PE: 85%]

> delete
You are eligible for retirement. Try 'retire' instead.

[HP: 9%] [ME: 13%] [PE: 85%]

> retire
Type 'retire [option number]' to confirm this command.

I plan to play SK again:

[1] Bored with or burned out on current character

[2] Not enjoying the role-play of others toward character

[3] Character is underpowered or unable to compete

[4] Not enough time to meet character obligations

[11] This was just a test character

I do NOT plan to play SK again:

[5] The player community is too unfriendly or hostile

[6] Other activities take priority or are more enjoyable

[7] Unable or unwilling to compete regardless of character

[8] Not enough role-play unrelated to player killing

[9] Not enough tactical variety in the game

[10] Issues with the administrative staff

Please choose the closest option: [1-11]

WARNING: Coming out of retirement requires admin consent and is not guaranteed.

Type retire with no argument to undo retire status.

[HP: 9%] [ME: 13%] [PE: 85%]

> release 3

Your stolen power fades away.

[HP: 14%] [ME: 20%] [PE: 90%]

> > Spell not found.

[HP: 14%] [ME: 20%] [PE: 90%]

> retire 3
Alas, all good things must come to an end.

%%% Disconnected from server.

Just a heads up to Cabal mates and others that Xendashan is gone. I have never played a necromancer before but after doing it, I have to say that even though I am ignorant, I find the class weak and vulnerable. It's not for someone who doesn't play much.

Thanks to all my friends and foes for helping bring Xendashan to life. I will likely make a sorcerer as I have been led to believe it is a superior caster and then be back for more.

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 Post subject: Re: Xendashan
PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 10:22 am 

Joined: Thu May 11, 2006 11:00 pm
Posts: 2769
Location: Pearl Harbor, HI
SK Character: That one guy who pk'd you.
Too bad. SK needs good villains. And even if the class is difficult it has potential. Good luck on the mage.

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 Post subject: Re: Xendashan
PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 1:12 pm 

Joined: Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:43 am
Posts: 2323
SK Character: Airkli
MC mages are on another level if you go that route. Didn't mind Xendashan. Appreciated how much he offered to enchant weapons after he learned the spell. Come back with something else.

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 Post subject: Re: Xendashan
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 8:08 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:50 pm
Posts: 117
Location: happy place
Awesome guy, very regal and creepy, just like a deep-elf male should be. I also like observing his interactions with other female deep-elves, he was subservient but not a push over. Very good role play all around. Have fun with the next character.

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 Post subject: Re: Xendashan
PostPosted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 6:54 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2006 7:47 pm
Posts: 3776
Location: Virginia
SK Character: Amorette
great character. tallulah loved him

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