saxifragaceae wrote:
Meissa wrote:
saxifragaceae wrote:
Also... regarding this topic and related things, is there ever a point there the current player-base will no longer be responsible for the actions of past players and IMMs? For some of these things, if we go along with the assumption that Pyrathia has other inhabitants besides PCs, it seems weird that e.g. Seaside would stay closed for centuries.
The current player base is encouraged to make its mark on the kingdoms and change things that they don't like. But things need to be built or rebuilt to facilitate this stuff. It can't happen overnight. I don't know the current state of affairs in Seaside, but I do know that it's not as easy as just adding an exit and letting people back in, particularly when some areas are closed for balance reasons. (and please maintain reasonable expectations of the staff in terms of facilitating and implementing things. I know sometimes that the requests seem relatively small, but I promise we don't purposely put anyone off
The assumption in Pyrathia is that players are the heroes: That you're the ones making the moves.
Seaside has been dealt with ICly, and I do appreciate being given the chance for my character to make her mark on Pyrathia. But it really did take a massive amount of effort on the part of a couple of players. It seems a bit daunting, if not impossible, to fix the mistakes of past players in a similar manner, especially when it's something as big and (IMO, negative) as closing two tribunals.... and, as I just saw your edit, it was a decision made to close it OOCly either way.
As the immortal currently involved in Seaside, I will just throw out one of the things that I always come back to. It's always harder to involve players in changes. Not because they aren't super interested in making changes, not because they aren't completely capable of coming up with descriptions and such, but because it turns any project into more of a collaboration.
None of that means it isn't worth it, in fact, quite the opposite. I think despite the extra effort and time required, the more player-involved content that happens the better. There is a certain level of investment from those players, and often times people's favorite areas become those they had some hand in creating, or changing in some way. There was someone who had a really cool idea they wanted to develop, and sadly the back-end just wasn't there to do it the right way, but I can honestly say it wasn't something I had thought of much until that player brought it up. Since then, it's something I've kept in the back of my mind if/when it's more feasible to make happen. So, even if changes don't happen immediately for whatever reason, lots of times it's player RP and player ideas that can drive a change on down the line as well. For something like bringing back a tribunal, you're also going to be talking about player count considerations and other issues that sadly are out of the control of the character that wants to bring them back. Doesn't make it a bad idea, or bad RP, it just means it may be impossible for that character to have a happy ending
right now.
I just wanted to shed a bit of light on things, and the above may not be true for every staff member. I just know my angel area was much easier for me to complete than any area I touched afterwards, and it was mostly because it was ideas to paper, and then paper to game. But despite liking my area, my favorite place in the game is still one I was involved with describing as a player.