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 Post subject: PvP changes.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:00 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:31 am
Posts: 244
CRS needs to be re-implemented.

The ability to turn bounty hunters on/off needs to be removed.

There is no reason on the game to ever engage in PVP you have a chance to lose. Nobody can do anything to you as a character or player, unless you're dumb enough to walk up to them and give them the chance to do so.

This "safe zone" has done nothing but ensure people never engage in PvP unless they have an overwhelming advantage.

Staff can walk back these changes that completely neutered the ability to affect other players, or they can leave the game in its current state where players can hide from conflict with 0 repercussions, wait until they have 3 friends logged on and only 1 enemy and go try to land a cheesy 4v1 gank in an inn. Which is the sort of behavior that leads to people not logging in again and the who list dwindling. This behavior is promoted by staff's decisions and code changes.

There is 0 reason for me to show up for PVP unless I know you have no chance of killing me. You can't drain the obsidian out of my tribunal account, I can turn bounty NPCs off. You can't disable my cabal abilities, staff removed inner guardians and relics. Why risk dying to defend my cabal HQ when you breaking in.....does literally nothing. Okay, you got 3-4 people together to break into my base to try and kill me. lulz i recalled (via WoR or 'recall' or 'trib recall', which go to 3 spots and ensure you can't really 'trap' me at my portal stones or anything), and walked off into the wilderness and some random area on the map while you were wasting your time. Or I just logged off.

Which is kind of baffling, what, 'protecting' the lower level cabal skills wasn't good enough? They ALL have to be permanently available?

You can't "do" anything meaningful to another character in game unless they conveniently sit around in an inn.

Just my 2c, take it or leave it. Doesn't matter much to me, I'm not the one invested in running the game.

Staff on SK has made it clear they despise PVP happening on the game, by constantly making it okay to ignore it.

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 Post subject: Re: PvP changes.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:11 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 10, 2014 2:22 pm
Posts: 455
Free resurrection and/or free death questing should be implemented in the case of no priests or no compatible priests being online at the same time.

Last edited by TheX on Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: PvP changes.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:13 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:31 am
Posts: 244
TheX wrote:
Doesn't change the fact you have to wait over an hour for a priest, or you are forced to spend loyalty tokens or up to a third of a level in exp or and entire level.

I really enjoyed just sitting their with two people on the who list while waiting for help. Made my decision so much easier.

What he says is pretty accurate also, getting gangbanged by three or more people because you are RPing a [REDACTED] pacifist, then just kind of tosses the RP out the window. Then when both sides are even they just run around and hide like [REDACTED].

You're not helping. Go kill a chicken or something.

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 Post subject: Re: PvP changes.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:16 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 10, 2014 2:22 pm
Posts: 455
I took a nap and some pain meds, I feel better.

Last edited by TheX on Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: PvP changes.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:20 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:31 am
Posts: 244
Stop posting. Go take a nap. You'll feel better.

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 Post subject: Re: PvP changes.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 8:27 pm 

Joined: Fri Dec 01, 2017 9:45 pm
Posts: 12
Honestly, the few kills I've gotten on Velstad hasn't really been as exciting as I thought it would be. I find my urge to play dwindling, really and I find myself just not wanting to log on. When I do log on, it's usually the same few people I see online and the counts seem to be down from the double digits and low 20's which is sad. I agree with everything Taco says. What's the point? If I die, I can potentially lose my entire kit. At the same time...What am I supposed to protect exactly? What am I supposed to do to fight back the darkness when there is nothing I can definitively do to make them surrender other than make my K/D ratio higher than theirs and destroy their will to even log on? This really isn't fun or engaging gameplay.

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 Post subject: Re: PvP changes.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:02 pm 

Joined: Thu May 11, 2006 11:00 pm
Posts: 2769
Location: Pearl Harbor, HI
SK Character: That one guy who pk'd you.
Landing kills seems pretty tough all around, lack of ability to affect PvP only underscores the need for some changes as taco mentioned. Not having CRS is awesome for small factions. Sucks for big ones who can't really show their force except symbolic gestures.

I don't know what the answer is here. Maybe give tribunals a CRS? They should have had it to begin with. Steal the enemy relic turns off bounty hunters?

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 Post subject: Re: PvP changes.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:51 pm 

Joined: Thu May 31, 2018 6:12 am
Posts: 4
TheX wrote:
Doesn't change the fact you have to wait over an hour for a priest, or you are forced to spend loyalty tokens or up to a third of a level in exp or and entire level.

I really enjoyed just sitting their with two people on the who list while waiting for help. Made my decision so much easier.

What he says is pretty accurate also, getting gangbanged by three or more people because you are RPing a [REDACTED] pacifist, then just kind of tosses the RP out the window. Then when both sides are even they just run around and hide like [REDACTED].

I've been told there is a death quest to come back to life, and during the happy hour, there isn't any penalty (? could be wrong here).

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 Post subject: Re: PvP changes.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:38 am 

Joined: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:11 pm
Posts: 1068
Location: Probably Camping Losache
SK Character: Arkex, Chronis, Azoreth, Kyln
Mentioned in TheX’s afterlife post.
But what about, on top of Syn’s changes, making happy hour a more pk-friendly time?
If you die, you are instantly Rez’d at your stones with all your gear? Except for your breastplate that fell off when you died?

It would be safer to PK during this time and I think we’d see more people log on during that time.
It does open the door for people to be deemed “happy hour pk’rs” but it’s a small amount of time and people could practice a bit for when the stakes are higher?

I know that’s kid gloves, and that has a bad wrap. But if we bring back coffer draining and crs raids, we might be able to compromise.
Idk. Just some thoughts on how to make more frequent and lower risk pk,

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 Post subject: Re: PvP changes.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:44 am 
Mortal Philanthropist

Joined: Sun Feb 08, 2004 1:41 pm
Posts: 1086
Location: Hugging a tree
SK Character: Imolth
Everyone will always attempt PK when they have the advantage, its the reasonable thing to do. But please don't bring back crs. It was god-awful the first time it was implemented and I've hated it ever since. + what will happen is this, xxx dominating faction of the month will gather the yyy number of people required and raid their enemies, said cabal will wither within a month from not being able to get their relic back, everyone will quit/delete/join the winning cabal.

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