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 Post subject: Kill 'em All! Bonanza - Friday July 14th - Sunday July 16th
PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 7:42 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:48 pm
Posts: 314
Kill 'em All! Bonanza
Friday July 14th - Sunday July 16th

The undead scourge has haunted Pyrathia for far too long, and the rising power of the foul necromantic creatures has caught the attention of a group of specialized problem-solvers. While their plans may be simple, it will be up to every soul regardless of power to decide whether they succeed. We have to start somewhere though, so let's get to work on making those roads clear...

Zombie Incursion!

Saturday, July 15th 10:00am PT/6:00pm GMT

It's always darkest before the dawn? Right? At least you hope so, taking the fight to the hordes may have done wonders for morale, but the losses seem to have agitated the larger roaming packs... now it looks like they are headed towards civilization.

"Many differ on the first sign of death, which absence portends the end: the beat of the heart, the breath in the lungs, or even the thoughts of the mind? No, the first sign of true death is the dying light in the eyes. That fading away of what once was to leave behind a sentimental husk, a reminder of what could have been. For those poor souls we are charged with dealing that light is nowhere to be found, but be no fool, it has been replaced with something far more sinister than even the darkest knight..." - Kimberly Foster


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 Post subject: Re: Kill 'em All! Bonanza - Friday July 14th - Sunday July 1
PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 7:43 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:48 pm
Posts: 314
This is going to be the first time we're using one of our newer tools at allowing diverse groups of players to work together towards a common goal, and with that in mind we have a extra incentive or two in store for you, in particular if satisfactory progress is being made to wipe out the undead menace over the opening bonanza weekend moving into the week, the bonus experience will continue as long as progress continues. Additionally, I wouldn't be surprised if these "problem-solvers" have some efficient ways for young adventurers to help the cause.

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 Post subject: Re: Kill 'em All! Bonanza - Friday July 14th - Sunday July 1
PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 2:44 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:48 pm
Posts: 314
The following note has been posted in-game as well...

I made my way to face the dead of Pyrathia and in that found faith, not
in the Gods, but in purpose. This is the same way most do in this accursed
land; through trials and loss. I will promise this and little else, I have
need of neither my own life or this found faith, but while the dead may
outlast my faith or my life they will never outlast my will to see every
last one crushed beneath my heel. That is why I reach out to you all

My name is Kimberly Foster and I am the current commander of a small but
coordinated group of like-minded living called The Dying Light. Our purpose
is a simple one, to give final rest to every single example of undeath found
in these realms and any other creatures of similar bent. I would love to
say that through our efforts we have been successful, but the scale of this
infestation is just beyond our current manpower, so today I put forth this
call to arms. We are no shining beacons of virtue and we do not expect
those who come to us to be either, only that you are determined to see this
through to the bitter end and do not keep these foul creatures as company.

The plan is simple and will be given in full in time, but for now we
fight them where they stand and watch them all burn until their numbers
dwindle to the point they no longer crowd our streets and roads. Meet me at
our forward base of operations outside of the city of Teron, near the
library for more information. The outpost is well-protected against the
scourge, and we are prepared to outfit even the lowliest amongst you with
the proper implements to do real damage to this zombie horde if you should
choose to pledge. If Pyrathia is to be in flames it is going to be from the
blazing pyres of zombie flesh we ignite together.

A thick black wax seal depicting a skeleton in priestly vestments performing last rites

Kimberly Foster

The Dying Light

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 Post subject: Re: Kill 'em All! Bonanza - Friday July 14th - Sunday July 1
PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:25 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:48 pm
Posts: 314
We didn't reach 5000 over the weekend? What does this mean?

It means there were a few technical difficulties, some of which should have just been resolved. It also means things went about how we thought they would, and this was already somewhat planned for. I mentioned satisfactory progress before because we knew this might take a little bit of time, zombie hordes are hordes for a reason.

What "Satisfactory Progress" is will be determined by how far we make it by 10 pm Pacific Time today, Monday, July 17th. At that time, we'll lock in the number left. The bonus XP will continue as long as 25% of that number is dealt with by the same time following day.

For example, if we make it to 2000 left that would mean 500 would need to be removed by 10 pm Pacific on Tuesday, July 18th. The same will be true on Wednesday and Thursday. As long as that progress continues, the bonus XP remains, but with luck we will be ready to continue forward on Friday.

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