Shattered Kingdoms

Where Roleplay and Tactics Collide
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 Post subject: Re: Add things to increase numbers
PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 8:53 am 

Joined: Fri Oct 10, 2014 2:22 pm
Posts: 455
one token res is a nice addition.

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 Post subject: Re: Add things to increase numbers
PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:08 am 

Joined: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:11 pm
Posts: 1068
Location: Probably Camping Losache
SK Character: Arkex, Chronis, Azoreth, Kyln
Man, you gotta get the Wiseman or Wayfinder added. Push people in the right direction to find those end game areas.
Vets take people on campaigns, but it's not the same as finding your own way.
One character once told Azoreth the general way to get to the Temple of Murder. Based on his small description, I took a group out there and found it.
It was one of my most memorable PvE experiences.
With such few people, we need an NPC to give us those general directions.
It might also bring back some areas for vets to explore that have been long lost.

Go ahead and flame on about how I'm an entitled permanoob. I can take it.

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 Post subject: Re: Add things to increase numbers
PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:31 pm 

Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 9:16 am
Posts: 1567
SK Character: NA - Inactive
Trosis wrote:
Man, you gotta get the Wiseman or Wayfinder added. Push people in the right direction to find those end game areas.
Vets take people on campaigns, but it's not the same as finding your own way.
With such few people, we need an NPC to give us those general directions.
It might also bring back some areas for vets to explore that have been long lost.

No, you're right, we definitely need to add more "pointers" in-game to help people learn in-character how to access various different areas in-game. For years we were able to reliably depend on in-game RP to keep everything accessible, but we do lack some of this infrastructure. Feel free to throw out ideas for areas that lack them that one of us might have time to get built into the game, or to add any recommendations/helps in the "Area Guides" section of the forums here for the areas that you're familiar with that might be helpful.

Thanks for bringing it up- not that I have had any time to actively support much of anything in-game since last November/December, but it's good to keep on radar for when I can.

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 Post subject: Re: Add things to increase numbers
PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 5:20 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 03, 2002 7:15 pm
Posts: 1086
Location: Pyrathia
One thing I would love to see added to the game is a new admin position. That of storyteller or RP coordinator or what ever you want to call it, but basically a DM for the game. Now, they wouldn't do global RP but once in awhile like it is now or build or anything of that nature, their main focus would be more on a weekly level. Nothing big or grand that would change the face of Pyrathia but more along the lines of small, one off rp events or aiding groups to uncover lost or undiscovered areas. Giving them hints, taking control of npcs that give quests to go to such and such or find items of vast power or even, if such was needed, providing a key class via npc that a group would need to venture forth into some areas. There is so much information that is lost to us as players because of reduced player count that I feel a position like this with the admin staff would help to bridge that gap and provide weekly events that could perhaps even draw more players in, knowing that something was going to take place in Pyrathia.

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 Post subject: Re: Add things to increase numbers
PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 5:35 pm 

Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2015 1:51 pm
Posts: 225
SK_Phantom wrote:
One thing I would love to see added to the game is a new admin position. That of storyteller or RP coordinator or what ever you want to call it, but basically a DM for the game.

I actually agree with this idea. I know that the staff has a ton of stuff that is being worked on, rebuilds, code changes, bug fixes, etc. Plus trying to keep up with things the players want to see done, or rp lines that they want to do. This would put some of the pressure for the simpler stuff off the builder and coders plates.

Over all the years I've played sk, some of the fondest memories I've had is when Imm's take over NPC's to join the fun, or randomly showing up to scare the crap out of people and rp as gods, or just the little, "Hey, I'm here" for the faithful. Thunder kittens, and random sandwich drops have fallen off the edge of the game for a long time. It lets the players know that people see what they are doing besides the other guy in the room.

There are things that can increase numbers mechanic wise, sure. Bug fixes, making sure quests are fixed, but "Mood" was mentioned in another thread. We are all part of this community, for better or worse. We choose to be here, some more than others. It's unrealistic to think that everyone will always get along or agree with each other, there's always going to be someone to hate or blame for stuff. But all of us, staff and player alike, have to find a middle ground, that is the biggest hit to our player count.

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 Post subject: Re: Add things to increase numbers
PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 8:12 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:11 pm
Posts: 1068
Location: Probably Camping Losache
SK Character: Arkex, Chronis, Azoreth, Kyln
I think a weekly challange could be cool.
Set up a flag so that if a group kills the weekly boss, they get a few LT's. Non-repeatable.
It'd encourage people to explore. Perhaps have the weekly wayfinder in the happy hour inn. That's where you can get the weekly quest and a nudge in the right direction.

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 Post subject: Re: Add things to increase numbers
PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:05 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 12:08 pm
Posts: 1357
Location: Through The Void
SK Character: Vivitnir
I really like this idea too, I agree that some of my most memorable encounters in SK happened to be with an IMM participating as well.

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 Post subject: Re: Add things to increase numbers
PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 7:41 am 

Joined: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:11 pm
Posts: 1068
Location: Probably Camping Losache
SK Character: Arkex, Chronis, Azoreth, Kyln
So... where are we at with any of these ideas?
We have a whole thread set up asking what we want, and I haven’t seen anything regarding action taken. That being said, i’ve Been away for a while. So I’m out of the loop.
I’d be willing to assist in coding the wise-man scripts, should anyone reach out to me.

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 Post subject: Re: Add things to increase numbers
PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:50 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 12:08 pm
Posts: 1357
Location: Through The Void
SK Character: Vivitnir
As far as people knowing about how to get to or how to traverse areas in SK, it really needs some work I think like we discussed before. I am only chiming in again because I have had it in the back of my mind since I read the previous posts. For instance, there are some Books about Velshar and such that had sent me in the past all over the place only to realize the truth about it (which was a lot of fun) and then there are actual areas with actual items that are just known by some people and are very hard to learn about icly and even harder to enjoy when someone 'shows you the area' which usually turns into a run and there is hardly time for reading the room desc before moving on.

I am all for having to do the work in game to find out how to get into and around these places, I think a big help would be to add more NPCs or books to help explain the area or just the basics about it. Another thing that irks me are locked doors that aren't bashable or pickable or whatever and I have no clue how to get beyond the door let alone anyone to tell me about the door or what is beyond it.

just a few cents on the subject


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 Post subject: Re: Add things to increase numbers
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 4:11 am 

Joined: Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:24 am
Posts: 35
Can we revisit this thread? Seems to me like the game is in a growing state right now and could use an extra nudge.
Here are a few ideas (some of them already mentioned)

-Penalty to swimming for dwarves and gnomes is way too annoying, either remove it or change it so swimming improves at 3-4 times slower rate for these races
but will not fail when finally mastered.

-Centaurs are still terrible, tone down the fire weakness, though personally I wouldn't still play one because they can't use flying mounts.

-Scouts are terrible in many ways, herbs are weak and outdated, their pets can't damage anything and are outclassed at ranged combat by mercs.
Make their usual tamed pets GM(or add new ones) with mastered swim, climb, and melee skills, tinker tame so it works on GM, remove the ability to tame a second pet if you need.
Also some good tamable pets are unique and will not stay after logout, I can idea-log those in-game if needed.
Give them a specialize in a bow/crossbow type, or a new skill that makes ranged attacks more accurate or a chance to ignore armor.
Also skin is broken at the moment, I was helping a dwarf scout skin mid-level mithril skins and with mastered skin he had about 30% success rate.

-Token redeem for stat points, 2-3 max per char.

-Some way to make a character younger would be very welcome, once per char.

-Bards... where do I begin... it has been said many times before.
Higher hp pool, meditation or songs of healing regenerating mana for the bard as well and shield block would make a good start.

-Warlocks are in a good place, if you could give them identify or at least more charges in the identify wands currently in game would be great.

-Shaman and hellions suffer a lot from the high saves on strong npcs otherwise they are fine I guess. Enhanced damage on shaman might be a nice addition.

-Paladins, priests, mercs and barbarians are fine imo. I would personally give dodge to priests but they are a strong class anyway.

-Sorcerors are fine, if you could remove that thing where charm person gets dispelled in rooms where you can plummet to your death, now that would be great.
Removing some of the no-magic rooms, or make it so you can spot if a nearby room is no-magic would be even greater.

-Rogues and necros and swashies, haven't played one recently (or ever :P), can't comment.

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