Shattered Kingdoms

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 Post subject: Northern Wastes Jail Bug
PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:01 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 24, 2002 11:51 am
Posts: 1500
this is the second time my character has turned himself in for crimes committed in the northern wastes, but after he finishes serving his time - he doesn't get released from jail. i was ready for it this time around, but if u don't have the key or an immortal to let u out - ur going to be stuck in jail indefinitely.

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
> outlaw status
You are a criminal in this land.
You still have 2 hours of jail time remaining.

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
> outlaw status
You are a criminal in this land.
You still have 1 hours of jail time remaining.

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
> time
It is 8 o'clock pm, Day of the Bull, Spring 8th, 1436 T.A.
Shattered Kingdoms started up at Tue Apr 19 01:04:41 2016
Current system time is Tue Apr 19 21:49:27 2016

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
> look

A Prison Cell
   This room is an irregular shape somewhere between an oval and a hexagon
- it looks as though little care has gone into its construction, and even
less to its maintenance.  The stone is hard and moldy, broken only by
patches of filthy straw strewn across the floor, and an iron grating in the
ceiling overhead.   There is a bit of writing on the wall here. 
Obvious exits: u(closed)
     a blue pen lies here
     A piece of lined paper lies here.

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
> drop water
You drop a water skin.

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
> drink water
You drink water from a water skin.
You do not feel thirsty.

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
> time
It is 9 o'clock pm, Day of the Bull, Spring 8th, 1436 T.A.
Shattered Kingdoms started up at Tue Apr 19 01:04:41 2016
Current system time is Tue Apr 19 21:50:32 2016

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
> outlaw status
You are not a criminal in this land.

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
> tell cerin Gate to the owl-like librarian and get the key above the judge in the Moot.
You tell Cerin 'Gate to the owl-like librarian and get the key above the judge in the Moot.'

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
> tell cerin Then unlock this cell.  My time is up, but they didn't let me out - again.
You tell Cerin 'Then unlock this cell.  My time is up, but they didn't let me out - again.'

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
> sta
You stand up.

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
> outlaw status
You are not a criminal in this land.

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
> shake
You shake your head.

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
> time
It is 10 o'clock pm, Day of the Bull, Spring 8th, 1436 T.A.
Shattered Kingdoms started up at Tue Apr 19 01:04:41 2016
Current system time is Tue Apr 19 21:51:56 2016

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
The heavy iron grating opens.

[HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%]
> u
You run up.

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 Post subject: Re: Northern Wastes Jail Bug
PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 8:16 am 

Joined: Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:12 pm
Posts: 24
Surprising that the North still has a system of law after the system of power being cast down.

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 Post subject: Re: Northern Wastes Jail Bug
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2016 10:54 pm 

Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2015 1:51 pm
Posts: 225
This is still not fixed.

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 Post subject: Re: Northern Wastes Jail Bug
PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 10:37 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 24, 2002 11:51 am
Posts: 1500
it appears all the judges were removed from the northern wastes, so it shouldn't be possible to get outlawed now.

this jail bug will only be an issue going forward, if you are already wanted for crimes.

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