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 Post subject: Risk Reward for PK.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:26 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:54 am
Posts: 607
SK Character: Caric
As recent topics have come up regarding PK the biggest issue with getting people to engage in PvP has been pointed out as willingness. So my question is how to increase the "reward" of PvP (and not just cabal wars) or reduce the risk (penalty full loot). Im going to look at a few changes made to reduce risk already discuss if they worked and look at how other changes might be made to improve the likely hood of PvP resulting in a battle.

Paladins call armor. (TLDNR summery doesnt work for PvP) A spell introduced to the game to encourage paladins to care less about their stuff and more about engaging. On paper it looks good. You die you get a res you get your stuff back (so long as it is at or below your level). This works for PvE but in PvP it doesnt work as intended. The moment the fight is over all your items get moved off your corpse either via butcher/skin or just get command. Due to the death delay almost anyone is going to have looted the body before the paladin uses this spell (no Im not looking at the death delay being a bad thing here.)

Hero flag. (TLDNR summery: Is an all or nothing reward so it doesnt encourage a player to start to learn PvP.) Hero flag has a PvP component. This means that if you engage in PvP as your primary goal of playing so long as you maintain the other aspects of playing you can get rewarded with the hero flag. There are some issues with how the ambiguity of the system works however this does reward those who push PvP above and beyond the normal player. It rewards the heavy PvP player but is not much of an incentive to those who do not start playing with that style in mind. The issue with the reward is that people starting to learn PvP are probably never going to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I encourage other people to pick out other aspects and present their pros/cons regarding PvP to try to work out a way to encourage people to engage in PvP there are always going to be people who do not wish too but a little more encouragement at the low end of the learning curve is probably a good thing.

Reward idea, PvP should count towards a mentor stat point or even a different mentor stat point (probably with a cap amount per month to not encourage PK to deletion tactics). This would mean that dipping your toe into PvP would be rewarded in a more timely fashion.

Reward idea, PvP vs apposed aura should grant major leveling bonuses. Lets face it vets leveling is fast even a slow vet is going to crunch leveling so quickly they probably are not doing to need this edge. There is a small risk of abuse but a temp say 8-24 hour stacking reward of 10% Xp gain (not stacking with mentor point xp gain) would make joining a tribunal before GM a little more appealing and engaging in PvP cost (time away from leveling) offset a little. This would mean being faced with a level gank would have a small silver lining. It has the risk of newbies switching to PvP too early on for their characters but they are "meant to be complete by master" so it might help with this.

Reduce risk idea, a repeatable quest/payment that can turn a single item carried by a character into a one time death rot item (as in can not have two at once). This is something of a double edge sword in if you die you have to go back to the source to get a replacement, pvp or pve. It doesnt stop your killer doing the same but it gives you a chance of getting it back. This is also a double edge sword when it comes to reward because some PKs are motivated in trying to get an item but I am trying to focus on encouraging people to try to engage in PvP and I think it does work to that goal. It doesnt stop them recovering it just adds an extra step of PvE. However it can stop the drop off everything in cabal HQ until a reset happens.

These are a few ideas Ive come up with they are kind of fresh ideas without too much scrutiny behind them. I think they encourage PvP participation in PvP with small carrots or a minor adjustment to the stick size. Perhaps I have overlooked something feel free to pick holes in my analysis remember these things are aimed at engaging inexperienced players in PvP without forcing them. To hopefully improve the crappy end of learning to PvP.

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