So I'm a new player here which based on many of the posts I've been reading in this forum is something you guys are seriously lacking. With that being said and reading also that your Adventurer's Academy seems to be a new addon for noobs like me, I figured I would be kind enough as to give some insight as to my experience there. (Especially since I'm a professional game developer myself, I know I would appreciate it were the situation reversed)
I feel like the academy gave me enough knowledge about moving around, fighting, communication etc etc so that I could feel comfortable doing so. I liked being able to shut off the hints once I was comfortable what I was doing. I also liked the fact that history and lore about the world was built into the walls to be able to read, look at, etc. The game mechanics are similar to others I've played so I was able to pick it up quickly with just a little help.
The entire time I was there I didn't see another PC at all. There were the trainers and at first I thought one of them was real but then realized he was scripted, which was cool because it felt real enough. But if you guys consolidated the academy to be a place for noobs to run into each other, well it didn't happen for me. Also, i was REALLY shocked when all of the sudden I was transported to some place out in the middle of nowhere and had to find my way 'home'. The trainer should have warned me of that or something. Maybe reminded me how to get home once I was there or something.
Finally, this last negative isn't so much about the academy but about this forum. You guys need new players, that's an obvious fact from all the posts. Yet, I'll admit that the huge number of negative posts about the changes that have obviously occurred recently almost made me NOT play. I'm glad I did because I'm having fun thus far but if it almost happened to me, then it's probably happened to other noobs as well. Just keep that in mind when you're griping about not getting any new players in your game.
Anyway, glad to be here. Having fun and who I play IC is my own business so don't even ask