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 Post subject: Re: [Dwa Mer][WAR][MDN][LGN] Chronis - Imperial Knightlord.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:32 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:54 am
Posts: 606
SK Character: Caric
I always had an mixed dealings with Chronis most of them resulted in something interesting although I wont always say it was enjoyable. I am kind of sad to see him go but MC leaders tend not to be able to step down and let someone else take over.

theORplayer a few questions for you how many of the MC actually wanted to RP defeat?
I know you have said you where on the MC side and wanted to RP the defeat but how about other MC members? Also How many of these people actually informed players IC or OOCly of their desire? The reason I ask because the most resent pile of hate lumped at my own door on a similar topic arrived there because I listened to what people with in the faction wanted not what people out of the faction wanted. No one likes RP defeat some people are worse than it than others if you feel its an OOC failing contact the player and have a chat yourself. However if your bad at RP defeat and your other members dont want too or keep breaking the terms of the truce made in defeat, is it fair to heap all the blame on the leader? As a side note I have no idea of the internal conversations of the MC during this time most of there are questions for you to consider not to answer in someones afterlife thread.

As far as Varak and Benibana I have seen actions I oocly very much like and very much dislike from both of them. However on the whole of them both working with incomplete information I would be willing to fall on the side of they are reasonable people or at least are doing their best to act like it well playing their chars. I have seen a distinct effort from them in recent times from playing to win to playing for the benefit of the game.

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 Post subject: Re: [Dwa Mer][WAR][MDN][LGN] Chronis - Imperial Knightlord.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:33 pm 

Joined: Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:51 pm
Posts: 28
There have been a lot of accusations about issues being miscommunicated both ICly and OOCly because of timing or otherwise. These forums exist for a reason. The Harlequin board has had 35 active topics since March 15th, including 3 stickies. I would challenge any other player group to boast that sort of coordination and interaction. The fact that Benibana and Varak are taking heat for an otherwise exemplarily executed leadership speaks volumes to the paranoia and jealousy that exists amongst this community. There is no excuse why other leaders should not be held to those standards.

As for Trosis, I had the opportunity to interact with him on all sides of the field: Friendly, Neutral, and Foe. At some point you need to nut up, take responsibility for the group you are leading and make the action that everyone might not love, but that moves your group forward. There was a lot of heel dragging on all fronts that tends to cause a great deal of frustration on the other side of the keys. Your "meh, I don't care, hate on" attitude in this thread speaks for itself. You are still new to SK, and we all make mistakes when we are new. Good luck with your next incarnation.

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 Post subject: Re: [Dwa Mer][WAR][MDN][LGN] Chronis - Imperial Knightlord.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:47 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:21 pm
Posts: 4452
Current state of the Midnight Council:

☐ Not REKT
☑ REKTangle
☑ REKT-it Ralph
☑ Total REKTall
☑ The Lord of the REKT
☑ The Usual SusREKTs
☑ North by NorthREKT
☑ REKT to the Future
☑ Once Upon a Time in the REKT
☑ The Good, the Bad, and the REKT
☑ LawREKT of Arabia
☑ Tyrannosaurus REKT
☑ eREKTile dysfunction

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 Post subject: Re: [Dwa Mer][WAR][MDN][LGN] Chronis - Imperial Knightlord.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:05 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:21 pm
Posts: 4452
theORplayer wrote:
Achernar wrote:
I am curious how we would even begin to punish someone for not accepting defeat after they deleted a character. Not that I am saying punishment is warranted. This is something unprecedented as far as I know.

Well, not letting it go to that state would be a good start :P

It's not that they just up and deleted, it's the months long slide to this. I don't think this is the first time in SK's history that a cabal lost a war and had to roleplay defeat. And I highly doubt it was the first time that the players in question chose to simply not roleplay their loss and abdicate alignment RP.

You get more flies with honey then you do vinegar, and this is something you advocate quite often Achernar, but at some point there needs to be clear lines as to what constitutes acceptable behavior and what does not.

Revoking all loyalty tokens earned, a suspension of leader flags for x amount of time, and as well as the public reminder (that you all already did) that folks need to RP on an RP enforced game would be a start.

This isn't about slapping Chronis in the nuts or crucifying him specifically, he is HARDLY the only the person doing it. This isn't about asking immortals to micromanage player affairs.

It's about setting an expectation and keeping players to those expectations so these events do not occur. The player of Chronis shouldn't have been given the opportunity to go down that road, it should have been noted to him by his patron "well, things look pretty bad, your members and allies have taken this to an ooc forum in complaining - you might want to start thinking about surrender if you can't rally it together in the next week or so. I'll support you in the roleplaying loss, and as always the choices will be your's, but note you are not the Emperor of the Empire and we have to realistically progress the game along."

I don't think what I'm advocating is anything but for the best of the SK community and game itself, including helping raise the bar for the player community and making this community more appealing and atmospherically immersive to newer players.

This is silly. Players should be free to make their own mistakes, rather than imms trying to micromanage every aspect of their respective cabals. Trosis chose to be unorganized, didn't communicate with the other players in his cabal and suffered the consequences of that. Or maybe he planned it out that way. Either way the Midnight Council suffered immensely for those decisions.

Interesting that the guy that pulled a karma houdini wants other people punished.

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 Post subject: Re: [Dwa Mer][WAR][MDN][LGN] Chronis - Imperial Knightlord.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:02 pm 

Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 5:06 am
Posts: 1447
Location: Seattle
SK Character: Theodoric
Who's theORplayer? Wasn't he the guy posting about how we should all be nicer on a gameplay thread? Those in glass houses...

Trosis is a newer player. He has a good attitude for SK though - the kind of take charge pvp interest the game needs. Chronis wasn't a very powerful character but he was a hell of an improvement from Arkex. I think you'll come into your own after a few more goes. Maybe try being a second banana to someone more experienced in order to absorb some mechanical knowledge that'll let you be more effective when next you're in charge.

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 Post subject: Re: [Dwa Mer][WAR][MDN][LGN] Chronis - Imperial Knightlord.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:09 am 

Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:27 am
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Going to go with Patty cake on this one, calm down kids, not like when anyone else gets wrecked they ever admitted defeat.

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 Post subject: Re: [Dwa Mer][WAR][MDN][LGN] Chronis - Imperial Knightlord.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 8:51 am 

Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 8220
Location: Redwood City, California
Being mature enough to admit defeat is a cultural issue that I'd like to see happen. But beating up Chronis any further isn't going to help.

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 Post subject: Re: [Dwa Mer][WAR][MDN][LGN] Chronis - Imperial Knightlord.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 6:59 am 

Joined: Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:40 am
Posts: 355
Benibana wrote:
Trosis wrote:
And here I thought you guys would love to brag about "we pk'd him into deletion." Or some love like that. But oh was I wrong. You still are gonna be a dork.
Blow yourself.

All I will contribute to this thread is the reiterated observation, made also in-game when confronted OOCly with this same alleged perspective, that no one on my side of these RPPK conflicts had any declared interest in driving someone into retiring, deleting, or quitting. We have rigorous RP expectations in place to provide means of removal for any cabal member who shows such a lack of refinement in his or her RPPK. You can reference Meissa's recent announcement post for substantiation of these clarifications, and I would prefer it if such allegations could cease.

Chronis and other Imperials seemed perfectly fine when Torbellino was put in the same situation they find themselves retiring in. I do find that interesting to reminisce about... but this thread doesn't need to mirror discussions currently ongoing in other, private forums. Harlequins: please refrain from sullying yourselves and our legacy in this thread. You've proven your quality to me before, and I trust that we can do so again.

I find this post hilarious :D

On Chronis: I actually liked what I saw from the character. He wasn't your typical Knightlord, seemed more like a dwarf who enjoys booze who somehow got into that spot, and then just went with it. I can't speak to his leadership abilities, but every interaction I've had with that char was interesting, and even when he was getting romped, he had the presence of mind to remain in character. At least with me. Maybe others experienced a different Chronis, but I liked this dorf.

Good luck with your next.

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 Post subject: Re: [Dwa Mer][WAR][MDN][LGN] Chronis - Imperial Knightlord.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:24 am 

Joined: Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:58 am
Posts: 194
SK Character: Reinald
Terrible afterlife thread and I feel bad that Trosis has to deal with this. Good stuff first.

Chronis was a cool character. Kinda disabled mechanically but pretty solid in interactions. I could always see he was constantly running around doing things whenever I got a glimpse of him but I never got a really close look. Good to see long lived headstrong characters that make their own story.

Having said that though, I've been told by mates who I trust that during the peak of various shitstorms, you were playing multiple alts and leaving the rest of the MC to fend for themselves. I don't get this. It's completely valid to be the unyielding party on the losing side of a conflict but only by actually playing that character and getting things done. Working on improving alliances, building up the faction, planning out, picking your fights. Instead you ended up pissing off many people who were trying to help you. Hope you avoid all that in a new character and appreciate the help people offer you more and not hide in Kytar and give me OOC bollocks that you didn't know that was illegal. I get the pressure you were under but that's no way to deal with it.

As for the others who complained. The only 'win' conditions in SK are life/death at the end of individual PVP engagements and specific success/failure siege scenarios in CRS. If that's not enough and you want people to RP defeat, humbleness, weakness, failure, slavery or kissing your nuts, the 'losing' side isn't required to oblige you. Advocating punishing new players for not doing that by loss of tokens, no leader flags etc is effin crazy.

More interested to see what the imm involvement was and why that misrepresentation of his alignment happened. On first glance I'm not surprised that particular imm is up to shady business again and damn disappointed that he's still able to do it.

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 Post subject: Re: [Dwa Mer][WAR][MDN][LGN] Chronis - Imperial Knightlord.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 6:29 pm 

Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:47 pm
Posts: 168
I liked Chronis and enjoyed the interactions we had - thanks for those. :drunk:

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