Tragonis wrote:
dalamar wrote:
Edoras wrote:
Yeah, cause having a meat shield that does zero damage, has no active combat skills like rescue or bash, doesn't shield block/dodge/parry for crap and dies instantly to BoG's is a necro's dream. At least ghouls and wights can sneak though!
A necro's dream isn't necessarily what is best for game balance.
Dal, let's be real. The current animates are garbage. There is a reason no one uses them or even thinks twice about it. Stored bought pets have better use then an animate.
Let's be real. I think you know as well as I do how overpowered necros + their controls are right now. When a halfling can run around with 4-5 animates and deal the kind of solo damage that they can, it's broken. It is right now a necro's dream, and it needs to be de-buffed for the sake of game balance.
So, beginning from that scenario, I know a necro can still be deadly even with just 1-2 controlled undead max. If he's got a few extra animated meat shields in there to add some extra damage, take the backstab, etc, he can still be buff without having to be broken buff. There's a balance that should be found between animate & control, and I think that balance needs to be tipped back in the direction of animate again. I'll be frank, although the system had previously been skewed to overpowered animates, the last round of necro changes were poorly-inspired and the method of "fixing" that was used was off-base, poorly implemented, and taken in the wrong direction, regressing the necro class 10 years back to being the 1-trick Control ponies they were a decade ago.