ninja_ardith wrote:
Not sure why you're losing xps to dying. Are you too impatient to wait for someone to resurrect you?
If impatient means "I don't see anyone with priestly-looking titles and I want to get my equipment back before someone loots it because it was very expensive to buy and hard to earn"...
Deathadder wrote:
As Ardith said.... most areas shouldn't kill you. Unless you are over extending your abilities. And if you are a caster of sorts pay attention to pet health and don't spam.
I'll give you a recent example. I started exploring the caves in the forest of Morea for the first time. I was cautiously poking around while invisible, considering various NPCs, when I ran into this blue Fytrysk thing. The first page of combat spam left me at 45%, I fled and was followed and dropped to 15%. I managed to teleport out; I consider myself very lucky. Then I went to the forums and searched to find that this seems to be a common experience.

So... I think it's more like, "Most areas shouldn't kill you, if you have good area knowledge." In my recent experience of dying from 40% flee --> aggro I was trying to
improve my area knowledge because I was very tired of fighting the same NPCs over and over again for the last 10-15 hours of my character's life.
How long does it take most of you to recover a lost level in the GM range? Or do you just flat out always wait for a res? What about losing equipment?