Dulrik wrote:
You do have to wait longer. You can't just stun them over and over and gain easy mega-XP. (Note: That was a big loop hole once upon a time.) On the other hand, killing has always been understood to be the easy path.
Sorry I was including stunning in with the killing. Yes, there is a difference but not much of one. It still seems strange that everyone, even those who, once they hit grandmaster, will never be the prime drivers of fights, but supporters, should find the best way to become GM is by fighting.
That doesn't mean that I completely disagree with your stance on say healing not being a prime mover for xp, since it has the potential to be used in a way that shouldn't grant much xp. But I think it xp derived from healing could be changed to reflect the actual amount of healing done. Rather than now where (I think) you get to earn so much xp per game day for casting heal, maybe the xp should have no cap, but rather be a reflection of the healing done. So casting heal on a perfectly healthy person may help you with the heal spell but gives no xp. But if you are standing behind someone taking a beating and keep them from dieing via constant healing, I don't see why this shouldn't be an effective leveling technique.
This would mean some things probably should never provide xp like shrink and enlarge since you could do that on whatever you felt like. But using your skills and spells to interact with the world should give xp. So heck even using the tracking skill to track someone other than yourself or those in your group should give xp. Maybe I'm underestimating the work needing done on this, but I would think this easier to do than many things, and it does make an incentive to act your class, other than just smash faces.