evena wrote:
As a player whose characters have been involved in exactly such a set-up and have also roleplayed defeat, I feel uniquely qualified to suggest these things don't work. Partly, it's because there's no real point or value in roleplaying a win or a loss. Great, you got a surrender. You can't actually WIN anything from the opposing faction, like territory or something of that nature. Cool, you lost. You can't do anything meaningful with your current position. Partly, it's because winners AND losers on SK aren't gracious with the current restrictions.
It's much more common to see something like, "LOL I peekayed this fool into deletion," than it is to see, "Hey, we roleplayed some serious/deep conflict over the course of several years."
But I won't suggest any more interesting/flavorful changes to ya'll. It's cool; I get it. You acknowledge that there won't be a shift in the mindset of players, but rail against players who try to think outside of the current box.
This sort of change would simply not help the game. It caters to a niche type of player/character that wants Cartman-esque AUTHORITAY, but is unable to command that respect, power or influence in the game.
Everything you have suggested can already be done without adding new code. If you disagree, I would like to hear why.