Wolf wrote:
Opey wrote:
I am, right now, defending my healing 26% between rounds as balanced, if I may be so bold. I am doing so because I don't feel like Hoch is overpowered. As I've said before, I am admitting that I am biased. It would certainly be different if I was playing against Hoch.
It would certainly be different if you were playing against Hoch? So it isn't overpowered as long as you are the one using it?
On the scale of all things, it's pretty low on the "OP" list.
However, I think a large part of his feeling of adequacy is because he's getting deuced on being aggressive stance all the time. I think it's rather telling and counter-balancing that he can show tanking success while mood aggro. From what I understand, few that take hits ever end up going mood aggro if they want to survive.
I think a fair answer would be to let herbs (not flasks) through MR. Maybe that's just me, though. Lag would be the 'quickest' answer but I always see something like that as a shortcut around the root of the problem.