Styles, you have never posted a single statement of fact, only conjecture. You remind me of that episode of South Park where Cartman takes over the school radio and turns it into the Glenn Beck program, asking a bunch of leading questions that have no answers.
Rodwen wrote:
That's the problem with you, Edoras. You're perfectly fine with the following two statements.
1.) "No caster...should be killed by a melee character in a 1v1 situation."
2.) Melee characters may be killed by a caster character in a 1v1 situation.
That is imbalanced. It should be the same for both.
1.) Casters may be killed by a melee character in a 1v1 situation.
2.) Melee characters may be killed by a caster character in a 1v1 situation.
In this small scenario, that is balance.
Let me shine more light on my insight here then, because this is actually a really important concept that a lot of people miss.
There is a big difference between winning a single engagement and securing a kill on a PC.
A well-prepared and buffed melee character has a very high probability of winning a single engagement against a well-prepared and buffed caster, because no charm can come close to the survivability and damage output of a kit out PC warrior. Charms do not have enchanted armor, charms cannot spam quaff heal vials, and charms do not work autonomously, so if you want to keep someone prone, you have to spend your time ordering bashes, meaning that you're going to be spending 1/3 of the fight doing that. The only exception to this rule (That well-geared and buffed melee characters can easily win single engagements against casters) is necromancers, although a well-built melee character could still all but guarantee a win if he played his cards right (See: Pilnor v. Kythroghalas)
However, it is also true that there are not many ways in SK to guarantee a kill. Unless you can knock someone prone and keep them prone until they are dead, taunt someone, BoG someone, petrify someone, charm someone, or curse someone in dangerous territory, then you cannot truly guarantee a kill on them unless they screw up. For this reason, a melee character should not seek out 1v1 fights with casters without one of those mitigating circumstances, as most casters fighting against solo warriors have the opportunity to reach at least one of those conditions without running the risk of any of those conditions being true for themselves. A sorc can just cycle through charms while spam casting petrification and recalling as soon as the charm dies, for example, and even if the melee character wins 5 times in a row, he'll have never had the chance to land a kill. The flip side of this, however, is that NO ONE can "force" an engagement on neutral 1v1 territory. As such, there is no reason to complain about how melee characters cannot land a kill in neutral territory in 1v1 situations with casters: They should never happen in the first place. It would be just as fair to complain that sorcerers cannot land 1v1 neutral territory kills on melee characters because they keep running away instead of just sitting there and dying.
In a groupfight, the better enchanted and prepared everyone is, and the shorter the time in between successive engagements, the more powerful melee classes become. Over a long fight or over a serious of closely-connected smaller engagements, caster ME gets low, charm HP gets low, and charms/controls/elementals cannot quaff their own heal vials mid-combat, and they also don't avoid or deflect damage anywhere near as much as an end-game PC. Melee characters, however, can continously quaff heals and as long as they don't die, they deal constant, high damage. Casters do not deal damage passively, they have to recite scrolls, cast spells, or zap wands, and once their charms and front line weakens, they have to get out or die. A caster has to give up precious casting/reciting/zapping time in order to quaff heals. If a melee character quaffs heals, he still deals the same amount of passive damage.
I don't think that any of these things are bad. I think that they make good sense. Yes, it is true that in 1v1s in neutral territory that casters have the upper hand against melee characters: SO DON'T ENGAGE CASTERS 1V1 IN NEUTRAL TERRITORY. Yes, a necro can 1v1 engage a melee character in neutral territory and carry very little risk. SO DON'T ENGAGE NECROS 1V1 IN NEUTRAL TERRITORY AS MELEE CLASSES. You may call that unbalanced, I call that just plain old common sense. Take the exact same necro, let him add one more person, and then you add a paladin/lighty priest to your side, and you can turn the necro into a crappy version of a shaman before the first round of combat even begins. Complaining that you can't kill a necro 1v1 in neutral teritory as a melee character is like running your head into a brick wall and then saying that it's unfair that the wall hurt so badly.
Edoras' game balance summary:
Casters are not very vulnerable against melee characters in 1v1s in neutral territory.
BUT Melee characters never have to engage casters in 1v1s in neutral territory.
Casters are very strong against unprepared, unbuffed, and poorly equipped PCs.
BUT Casters are weak against well-buffed, well-enchanted PCs.
The shorter a fight, and the less well-enchanted people involved, the more effective a caster is.
BUT the longer a fight and the more well-enchanted people involved, the more effective a melee character is.
I see balance here. No, it isn't cut and dry. No, not every class has an equal chance of killing every other class in neutral territory in a 1v1. Who cares? I've played on both sides, and I didn't go out looking to solo necros in Teron as Pilnor. Stop trying to define whether a class is imbalanced solely by whatever 1v1 matchup you can spin up and start thinking about the bigger picture.