It's the initial withdrawl of no longer having 8+ bashers and a chance to paralyze multiple times each round vs a warrior. 10 minutes of animate time investment is worthwhile more than the dozens of hours a warrior invests perfecting their skills for survival, apparently.
Edoras, you have a fresh face to your class and have the chance to learn something new. Just because you can no longer orlbashbash spam and cast fear and win doesn't mean your class sucks. If that's all you wanted to play your character for, for hundreds upon hundreds of hours, then delete now. If you want to learn what the class is about and use a much larger majority of its skillset more tactfully, then try it. It might not be as fun to you as face-rolling with o all bash, but thankfully it's shown that isn't really what the game is and should be about. Adaptation is what makes things fun in this game - at least for me.
Edoras wrote:
Opey wrote:
What about sticking around in the room long enough for someone to cast holy word. Does that ever happen, Eddy?
Please, stop trolling.
Protip: Pre-cast holy word, walk into room, follow necro. Or, follow necro, cast holy word. There is nothing the necro can do to prevent you from wrecking his animate army except recall, or get a fast and lucky fear, at which point he's only played you to a draw.
Do I think it imbalanced that a necro, at his peak efficiency, cannot 2-round an unbuffed MR barb? Yes, I do, because an MR barb can heal his entire HP pool in 3 rounds with eat mistletoe.
Revenger, your paladin should never have any problems with necros 1v1 anymore.
Please note that in order for you to not be able to bash or kill the holy word caster before your TURRIBLE 2 HOLY WORDZ gets casted, there needs to be more than 1 PC in the group. With 2 PCs in the group you should, solo, NOT be able to
effortlessly obliterate that. I consider "o all kill" to be effortless. Try utilizing other skillsets - like anything from your entire spell list from feeblemind to fear to FoD (which is how powerful with these enchant changes, generally?)