After thinking a while about what the jail system is for, I've decided to offer the following suggestion: do away with the jail system completely.
What is the jail system for? To punish lawbreakers. What is punishing someone for breaking the law supposed to do? Deter the one being punished from breaking the law in the future.
There's just one problem. No amount of jail time or execution or loot removal is going to deter anyone. The jail system's one and only job is irrefutably unsuccessful. You could say it has caused some to delete their character. That is an OOC action. The IC character was not, in any way, deterred from wanting to break the law. The player just didn't feel like waiting.
What should take it's place? Well, after a little optional GRP, I'd say a new banishment system. I say optional GRP because it isn't really necessary for a change like this, but it could be cool.
Characters who have only killed a few people or attempted murders, stealing, that kind of stuff, don't necessarily get banished. Pretty much keep the same rules on when a tribunal leader can banish someone. If someone has committed a crime and flees so they don't hurt more guards and what not, then the RP begins. They can negotiate a way to be paroled, meet with a leader, and discuss what happened, and terms of making up for any wrong doing, and they can be on their merry way. Pretty RP-centric. Of course, the leader could always just be stern and demand that they stay out of the city or whatever, but that's RP for ya.
On to the banished details. First off, the amount of time someone is banished for is the exact same amount of time they would be sitting in jail. There could be a way for tribunal leaders to reduce banishment length because the banished person did some sort of community service or something. Pretty simple, but after the GRP, the meaning of banishment changes pretty dramatically.
The GRP would focus around the Gods beaming down a device that puts up a barrier around the city. For Exile and Sith, the lightie Gods, for Zhenshi, the greybie Gods, etc., would watch over their cities. The barrier would only be visible to those that are banished. When the banished one walks into the room where the barrier starts, they get an echo warning them that any further steps towards the city will result in their attempted death.
They continue towards the city, and a NPC spawns to attack them. This NPC would function like that of a cabal guardian as far as how strong it is and how much health it has. If a group of three people show up, and one of them is banished, then the NPC spawns prepared to take on three PCs. If the character is victorious in killing this city guardian, then they can enter the city freely. Of course, they are still highly wanted and will be attacked on sight by all the guards.
Also, gating in will spawn a NPC wherever. It's a barrier where the Gods can see everything in the city. That won't work. You'll still have to fight for it.
A tribunal leader isn't needed to banish someone. Another way for someone to get banished is to be apprehended by soldiers as if they were going to be put in jail. If they only have a few crimes, and not enough for banishment just yet, they are stripped of their items like they normally would be, losing equipment as normal, as well as some loss in gold, and they are sent out of the city with their crime list as is, but a timer is set. They aren't necessarily banished so much as on parole, but still kill on sight. They aren't allowed in the city for as long as they would be serving jail, but they can just walk in. No city guardian spawned to stop them.
However, if they have many crimes, something that would rack up a few hundred hours of jail time, for instance, then they are automatically banished, stripped of their gear and the appropriate amount of coin, and EXECUTED!
So yeah, I expanded on this idea a lot more than I thought I was going to, but I like it. I can think of absolutely nothing that will deter a character from breaking the law in any city, but at least this way, it can be harder for them to enter.