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 Post subject: Re: Ethereal and necros
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:52 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:13 am
Posts: 177
Location: Wichita, Kansas
SK Character: Norailo Verech
If that coddling comment was direct at me, understand that I said BOG, I play a mercenary that constantly stands behind a pet and got killed. The lag time was not a factor because my pet was killed in about half a round and the undead bashed without being ordered. My main concern is for the new players that I already heard were going to leave the game and stop voting for SK because of things that this class utilize that make people "OMG necro, run!!!" If those certain few classes aren't around that have that slight chance to holy word before a pet is killed and 245743378754 undead get off bashes. :wink: thanks

 Post subject: Re: Ethereal and necros
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:06 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:05 pm
Posts: 152
dicemistress wrote:
patrisaurus wrote:
If you stand in the front row, you are a newbie, and will get owned by every class until you stop being a newbie and stop standing around in the front row.

So you want to scare new folks away from the game? Gotcha! I'll make sure to tell folks that when they ask me about SK.

Not everyone is a PK God, not everyone will be a PK God but if the only people that this game decides to cater to are the PK Gods then you're going to loose parts of your already small player base. I thought this was supposed to be a role-playing game with PK elements to it, not a text version of Mortal Combat gone RPG.

I think a part of the problem is balance issues. It shouldn't take a PC army to deal with one necro, nor should a necro be able to sit back in a safe spot (ethereal) and just wipe folks with a few keystrokes. A challenge can be fun until it gets too frustrating and its obvious that this issue has become a frustration for several folks. If you want to get all game design talk about this it's called the Flow Channel and being in the Flow. You can read more about it here: ... w-channel/" target="_BLANK

tl;dr: Scaring newbs is fun according to patrisaurus! PK God or not a PK God, that is the question. Necros need some tweaking. Deep game design stuff.

I think you are overreacting. What he said is true, and he didn't say anything about "scaring newbs", no idea where that came from. Anyone standing in the front row, is liable to get killed, by any class in the game. Due to the fact that bash is the end all be all of PK, and every class has access to it.

This has nothing to do with necromancers. And it does not take a PC army to deal with a necromancer. 2 pcs can do it rather easily, there is a recent log of it happening, and countless other logs. Most of the game's players require multiple PCs to engage in PvP with any class, because they are "bad at the game". Not trying to insult anyone or anything, but that's what it comes down to. You can't come complain about how necromancers are OPd when you're losing PvPs because your side fails 3 out of 4 Holy Word castings.

Die a few times, learn the ropes, get better. You know, like any other game.

As for the comments about people being "frustrated". Please browse through the Gameplay Forum. People are always "frustrated" about something.

 Post subject: Re: Ethereal and necros
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:20 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:01 pm
Posts: 3527
Location: I'm in a glass case of emotion!
SK Character: Retired Troll
rofl look what i found

 Post subject: Re: Ethereal and necros
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:22 pm 

Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 5:06 am
Posts: 1447
Location: Seattle
SK Character: Theodoric
ninja_ardith wrote:
patrisaurus wrote:
This thread is just whining about being terrible at SK. If you stand in the front row, you are a newbie, and will get owned by every class until you stop being a newbie and stop standing around in the front row. If you do not stand in the front row, and you play SK with both hands on the keyboard, a necromancer cannot kill you faster than their order lag. Accordingly, you have no excuse for not escaping other than being a newbie who stood around like a deer in the headlights. Accept this and look inward before piling up 50,000 words on how the game should change to coddle you.

I have currently died 0 times to necromancers on my current character.

I find it silly that the only arguments are, "stand behind a pet, and run". Yeah, there's definitely something wrong with the picture when the response to fighting a necromancer is to run away when they show up. I have the most experience here fighting necromancers, and I know what I'm talking about. There's absolutely no way for me to kill a necromancer that's played competently. I suppose I should be thankful that every player of a necromancer currently is an incompetent nitwit.

There's absolutely no way for anybody to kill anybody else who's played competently when their goal is simply to survive, making that a terrible argument. I suppose you should be thankful that just about every player of SK is an incompetent nitwit, so will probably agree with you anyways.

As others have discussed, necromancers have to be as powerful as they are 1v1 because the entire game is setup to ensure that they don't get 1v1 fights. If you can't find other lighties to fight against necros it's either because the light/dark balance is currently darkie heavy (which is an SK thing, not a necromancer thing), or because you're such an insufferable [REDACTED] that nobody will hear your cries for help (a personal problem).

 Post subject: Re: Ethereal and necros
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:40 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:01 pm
Posts: 3527
Location: I'm in a glass case of emotion!
SK Character: Retired Troll
btw my guesses are
styles = mr.treefinger
stylesP = patrisaurus

 Post subject: Re: Ethereal and necros
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:58 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 16, 2002 4:06 am
Posts: 756
Location: Murfreesboro/Cookeville, Tennessee
patrisaurus wrote:
ninja_ardith wrote:
patrisaurus wrote:
This thread is just whining about being terrible at SK. If you stand in the front row, you are a newbie, and will get owned by every class until you stop being a newbie and stop standing around in the front row. If you do not stand in the front row, and you play SK with both hands on the keyboard, a necromancer cannot kill you faster than their order lag. Accordingly, you have no excuse for not escaping other than being a newbie who stood around like a deer in the headlights. Accept this and look inward before piling up 50,000 words on how the game should change to coddle you.

I have currently died 0 times to necromancers on my current character.

I find it silly that the only arguments are, "stand behind a pet, and run". Yeah, there's definitely something wrong with the picture when the response to fighting a necromancer is to run away when they show up. I have the most experience here fighting necromancers, and I know what I'm talking about. There's absolutely no way for me to kill a necromancer that's played competently. I suppose I should be thankful that every player of a necromancer currently is an incompetent nitwit.

There's absolutely no way for anybody to kill anybody else who's played competently when their goal is simply to survive, making that a terrible argument. I suppose you should be thankful that just about every player of SK is an incompetent nitwit, so will probably agree with you anyways.

As others have discussed, necromancers have to be as powerful as they are 1v1 because the entire game is setup to ensure that they don't get 1v1 fights. If you can't find other lighties to fight against necros it's either because the light/dark balance is currently darkie heavy (which is an SK thing, not a necromancer thing), or because you're such an insufferable peck that nobody will hear your cries for help (a personal problem).

Personally, my issue with necros is when they group up with the rest of the darkies with their horde of undead in tow. I'm perfectly okay with hiding out in a dark corner somewhere until a group gets together to deal with a necro, but dealing with the enemy group AND the necro with their undead is just obnoxious.

[Edit] Editted to add my distaste for the darkie greybies getting more annoying who also group up with necromancers.

 Post subject: Re: Ethereal and necros
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:16 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2006 7:47 pm
Posts: 3776
Location: Virginia
SK Character: Amorette
Baldric wrote:
btw my guesses are
styles = mr.treefinger
stylesP = patrisaurus

I thought it was a pretty obvious joke that patrisaurus was StylesP, though now because of 8x4=24 he might not admit to it. :P

That's a good guess for Styles, though. I totally see it.

 Post subject: Re: Ethereal and necros
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:32 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:05 am
Posts: 333
Location: Newbtown
patrisaurus wrote:
There's absolutely no way for anybody to kill anybody else who's played competently when their goal is simply to survive, making that a terrible argument. I suppose you should be thankful that just about every player of SK is an incompetent nitwit, so will probably agree with you anyways.

This is yet another pointless straw man. We already know it is possible to survive on SK by using powerhouse tactics like 'quaff recall,' or 'flee' or even sit around in the middle of nowhere. This is established, but it has nothing to do with class balance. Class balance is having a chance to actually win a confrontation, not just survive a confrontation.

Consider the IC motivations of characters, too. The enemies of necromancers must at some point face them and try to beat them back. Suppose you were the lone Peacekeeper online and a necromancer came to Exile. Would you just log out? That's the best way to survive. Would you try to go run the necromancer off as your RP demands? That's a good way to get owned. You have no shot one-on-one against a competent necromancer He will just keep coming back and keep slaughtering NPCs and newbs, draining your resources and coffers, and there's really nothing you can do single-handedly to stop him. Now, reverse the scenario. You are the only Peacekeeper on and you attack Kol's Moot solo. A necromancer shows up. You will 100% get run off or killed. You will have no chance of beating him and winning the day.

The same scenario is even more unbalanced in cabal raids. If a necromancer raids your cabal and you're the only defender around, you really have no chance. Within three rounds after you are alerted of the attack, the outer guardian is already dead. You could try to gate in and face off with him, but you will lose. You will have no chance of defending your relic. Now look at the flipside. You are a barbarian and you want to take the a dark cabal's relic. Their only defender online is a necromancer. So, you get incredibly buffed up and go take on the outer guardian. Midway into your 30th round of combat with the outer guardian, the necromancer and his army show up and squash you.

As others have discussed, necromancers have to be as powerful as they are 1v1 because the entire game is setup to ensure that they don't get 1v1 fights. If you can't find other lighties to fight against necros it's either because the light/dark balance is currently darkie heavy (which is an SK thing, not a necromancer thing), or because you're such an insufferable peck that nobody will hear your cries for help (a personal problem).

They absolutely do not. I'm sure a lot more people would gladly try to take necromancers on 1 on 1 if it were remotely feasible to do so with a decent chance of success. As it is, you have no chance of landing a kill unless the necromancer screws up royally, and you have a very good chance of dying as soon as the "order all bashes" start destroying you. Necromancers do not have to be ridiculously overpowered. They should be just like any other class in terms of both PvP and PvE strength.

The argument that they somehow need to be so powerful that only groups can take them on to have a good chance of success is garbage. Unlike their enemies, they don't actually have to show up to defend the innocent and they don't have to fight honorably or go down in a hopeless scenario to save someone else. Their diabolic alignment is balance enough; they can always fight on their own terms, with an advantage. They can pretty much do whatever they want, behaving like complete psychopaths, cowards, or whatever else is most advantageous. Other darkies also won't stand up to them or their bullying because they are also too scared of the "order all bash" scenario, even though almost everyone is supposed to revile them for being so heinous. Gratuitous imbalances like this actually destroy the potential for great RP on all sides, irritate veterans who get tired of having to avoid some twink with 10 GM barbarian NPCs because winning is not a possibility, and discourage newbies who get destroyed in 2 rounds before they even know what happened. There is no upside for SK to having this imbalance persist.

Besides which, you can watch what happens if a change to animate dead goes in. Necromancers will still own face with their controls and their still numerous yet not as powerful animates. It will just shift the balance to the point that a melee type or paladin can try to make a stand without guaranteeing that he's going to get instantly plowed into the dirt.

 Post subject: Re: Ethereal and necros
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:43 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:05 pm
Posts: 152
A necromancer definitely does not 3 round an outer guardian. Not sure how you came up with that, or how it is relevant at all anyways, since there are also countless examples of mercenaries/barbarians/shamans/sorcs/etc soloing CRS.

Heck, didn't Ardith just post a "hey, look at me solo CRS" log on his merc?

A Peacekeeper can definitely beat back a necromancer fairly easy, the problem as this discussion continues is more and more glaringly that you are not very good at that tactical part of SK, and want the game to be tailored to you.

You keep bringing up "ohnoes they can kill NPCs, noooooooooooo".

Necromancers are basically a sorceror with more DPS and absolutely zero utility. Necromancers don't do anything except get NPCs and zerg stuff. That's what they do. The other class you pointed out that has similar weaknesses also has things like the consecrate spell and other utility things in exchange. This isn't WoW, or a fighting game. Each class has different perks and downfalls and everything is not balanced 1vs1. Team Lightie is always more heavily populated than team darkie, and Necromancers are the most hated thing in the game and therefore have an edge.

Who remembers the days of no summon lag, 40 wraith summon ganks or no timer on energy drain?

 Post subject: Re: Ethereal and necros
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:54 pm 

Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 5:06 am
Posts: 1447
Location: Seattle
SK Character: Theodoric
ladyjennbo wrote:
Baldric wrote:
btw my guesses are
styles = mr.treefinger
stylesP = patrisaurus

I thought it was a pretty obvious joke that patrisaurus was StylesP, though now because of 8x4=24 he might not admit to it. :P

That's a good guess for Styles, though. I totally see it.

I don't use sockpuppets. StylesP is someone else.

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