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 Post subject: Re: The Moot.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:43 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 16, 2002 4:06 am
Posts: 756
Location: Murfreesboro/Cookeville, Tennessee
While maybe slightly childish, the post raises a point. If you want to standardize kingdoms, go the whole way. Don't just half [REDACTED] it because one thing is currently in the spot light. This is more or less the same thing that came up when there was discussion to remove lighten load from the Talons. It was accepted then that the kingdoms are vastly different. Why is this an issue for this instance?

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 Post subject: Re: The Moot.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:04 am 

Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:43 am
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Location: Columbia, South Carolina
SK Character: Pilnor, Surrit, Berr, Rall
The issue with lighten load is very similar here: That's an imbalance that basically says "By the way, if you are planning on playing a heavy armor centaur, giant or minotaur, you're much better off in Talons than in any other trib." That's also a change that came through as a complete side-affect to lighten load being changed to heavy armor priests and raised in level. I gave my shot at arguing that one, and at least that KD is active, but Sargas isn't buying it so meh. I can only assume that he hasn't played a character who is consistently overweight and seen the overwhelming benefit that lighten load provides.

As for the jail thing, Exile's jail has always been harder to break out of. At least now there isn't a null-magic room outside the jail like there used to be, but it's still insurmountably more difficult than every other jail in SK.

Kingdoms are different, that I'll definitely give you. Every kingdom has different melee NPCs of varying classes and levels and starting EQ, each kingdom has different buff NPCs of varying levels, but in general these aren't too out of sync with each other except for probably the North's ridiculous amount of supernatural HP NPCs with deathrot diamond shields and weapons. Each nation has their strong points here: Taslamar has a GM and champion level paladin, a high-level barbarian, and a high-level merc. The Guardians have high-level casters for buffs, an entire slew of sprite swashies at their disposal, and they also have access to a barbarian elemental NPC that can't be petrified. The Talon has a high-level swash NPC that spawns in the middle of their capital with starting weapons and detects, and they also have two high-level griffon barbarians with scripted SA. I also feel it worth pointing out that the bounty NPCs of Zhenshi are much more powerful than any other nations bounty NPCs. The MC has one high-level giant barb, some high-level hellions, and that's about it, but they're also a cabunal. The North has the trio and the high HP guards from Krychire, and absolutely no casting trib NPCs that are higher than level 30. As for buff NPCs, each tribunal has access to the exact same set of buffs (Except the Talon gets lighten load), and as for functionality, every trib also has access to enchant and -either- gate or rift.

Personally, I think this is a pretty decent balance just for NPCs, with the exception that the deathrot diamond EQ on the cowled guards of the North needs to go.

However, none of that has anything to do with the fact that Exile's jail is still extremely difficult to break out of assuming that any trib members are online, whereas every other kingdom except for Exile is much easier -and- already standardized: Get guy out, give guy recall, everyone gtfo before the trib members wreck your day. As such, Exile's jail is pretty OP. Honestly I don't think that anything else about the trib should come into consideration when determining the "balance" as it regards to jailbreaks. Is there seriously a person in the mud that would say "I would be willing to give up my highest-level trib NPC if my jail were harder to break people out of?"

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 Post subject: Re: The Moot.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:22 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:41 am
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SK Character: Cyndane - Talys
Edoras' post is so skewed to benefit him that it's hilarious, and also full of BS.

1. lol, nooooo, certain characters are better off in the Talons, so cheating!!

Uh, certain chars are always mechanically better in certain factions.

2. The north has 7 or more NPCs with a billion hp and high dmg output, BUT Taslamar has 2 high level [REDACTED] paladins TOTES BALANCED

No. How you can even try to compare these is a mystery to me.

3. ROFL zhenshi has 2 griffarbs who have scripted SA!!!!!!!!

Uh. Again. No. Everything in that sentence is wrong.

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 Post subject: Re: The Moot.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:44 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2006 7:47 pm
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SK Character: Amorette
Edoras wrote:
The issue with lighten load is very similar here: That's an imbalance that basically says "By the way, if you are planning on playing a heavy armor centaur, giant or minotaur, you're much better off in Talons than in any other trib." That's also a change that came through as a complete side-affect to lighten load being changed to heavy armor priests and raised in level. I gave my shot at arguing that one, and at least that KD is active, but Sargas isn't buying it so meh. I can only assume that he hasn't played a character who is consistently overweight and seen the overwhelming benefit that lighten load provides.

As for the jail thing, Exile's jail has always been harder to break out of. At least now there isn't a null-magic room outside the jail like there used to be, but it's still insurmountably more difficult than every other jail in SK.

Kingdoms are different, that I'll definitely give you. Every kingdom has different melee NPCs of varying classes and levels and starting EQ, each kingdom has different buff NPCs of varying levels, but in general these aren't too out of sync with each other except for probably the North's ridiculous amount of supernatural HP NPCs with deathrot diamond shields and weapons. Each nation has their strong points here: Taslamar has a GM and champion level paladin, a high-level barbarian, and a high-level merc. The Guardians have high-level casters for buffs, an entire slew of sprite swashies at their disposal, and they also have access to a barbarian elemental NPC that can't be petrified. The Talon has a high-level swash NPC that spawns in the middle of their capital with starting weapons and detects, and they also have two high-level griffon barbarians with scripted SA. I also feel it worth pointing out that the bounty NPCs of Zhenshi are much more powerful than any other nations bounty NPCs. The MC has one high-level giant barb, some high-level hellions, and that's about it, but they're also a cabunal. The North has the trio and the high HP guards from Krychire, and absolutely no casting trib NPCs that are higher than level 30. As for buff NPCs, each tribunal has access to the exact same set of buffs (Except the Talon gets lighten load), and as for functionality, every trib also has access to enchant and -either- gate or rift.

Personally, I think this is a pretty decent balance just for NPCs, with the exception that the deathrot diamond EQ on the cowled guards of the North needs to go.

However, none of that has anything to do with the fact that Exile's jail is still extremely difficult to break out of assuming that any trib members are online, whereas every other kingdom except for Exile is much easier -and- already standardized: Get guy out, give guy recall, everyone gtfo before the trib members wreck your day. As such, Exile's jail is pretty OP. Honestly I don't think that anything else about the trib should come into consideration when determining the "balance" as it regards to jailbreaks. Is there seriously a person in the mud that would say "I would be willing to give up my highest-level trib NPC if my jail were harder to break people out of?"

I just disagree. Exile is probably the worst city to be in a tribunal for RP-wise because people are always wtfpwning you and attacking your city, and there's hardly ever a full tribunal in order to fend off enemies, like say, a necromancer army. If you commit 532432 crimes, then you probably should have a big sentence. Necromancers don't have many other downsides. It shouldn't be super-easy to break into ANY jail, IMO. It should take as much effort as it does to break into a cabal and kill the inner guardian. Yeah, jail time sucks, but it should take effort to break out of it.

Anyway, I wonder what Dulrik would say, or what Sargas would say short of being irritated with the people in this thread who don't understand what "no flaming outside of General Discussion" means.

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 Post subject: Re: The Moot.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:20 am 

Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 5:06 am
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SK Character: Theodoric
Who's gonna start a countdown to Synplosion and siteban ticker?

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 Post subject: Re: The Moot.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:53 am 

Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:43 am
Posts: 5614
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
SK Character: Pilnor, Surrit, Berr, Rall
Jennbo wrote:
Exile is probably the worst city to be in a tribunal for RP-wise because people are always wtfpwning you and attacking your city, and there's hardly ever a full tribunal in order to fend off enemies, like say, a necromancer army. If you commit 532432 crimes, then you probably should have a big sentence. Necromancers don't have many other downsides. It shouldn't be super-easy to break into ANY jail, IMO. It should take as much effort as it does to break into a cabal and kill the inner guardian. Yeah, jail time sucks, but it should take effort to break out of it.
To your first point, it only takes one defending Peacekeeper to fend off a single necro with very little risk involved. To your last point: Aside from being in a certain cabal, breaking someone out of jail ensures that at least one person will get outlawed in the process, and the judge who carries the key sends out a tribunal message when he's engaged, and when he's slain: If a defending tribunal knows that a jailbreak is possible, then it is definitely feasible to set up defenses against a jailbreak, and you don't need 3 rooms of no-recall in and out to do it.

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 Post subject: Re: The Moot.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:19 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2006 7:47 pm
Posts: 3776
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SK Character: Amorette
Edoras wrote:
Jennbo wrote:
Exile is probably the worst city to be in a tribunal for RP-wise because people are always wtfpwning you and attacking your city, and there's hardly ever a full tribunal in order to fend off enemies, like say, a necromancer army. If you commit 532432 crimes, then you probably should have a big sentence. Necromancers don't have many other downsides. It shouldn't be super-easy to break into ANY jail, IMO. It should take as much effort as it does to break into a cabal and kill the inner guardian. Yeah, jail time sucks, but it should take effort to break out of it.

To your first point, it only takes one defending Peacekeeper to fend off a single necro with very little risk involved. To your last point: Aside from being in a certain cabal, breaking someone out of jail ensures that at least one person will get outlawed in the process, and the judge who carries the key sends out a tribunal message when he's engaged, and when he's slain: If a defending tribunal knows that a jailbreak is possible, then it is definitely feasible to set up defenses against a jailbreak, and you don't need 3 rooms of no-recall in and out to do it.

What are you smoking? Plus, half the time your character comes to a city, there AREN'T any trib members on. And yes, I would assume people who would break the laws in order to get someone out of jail SHOULD be outlawed? It should be as difficult as cabals, period. Cabal members get messages from their NPCs when their keep gets attacked and could set up defenses against an inner guardian death, and again, their entire keep is no-recall. I just think you're incapable of seeing how you might be a little biased?

You would be totally pissed if you led a tribunal where someone continually attacked your city over and over again, and racked up a huge crime list, and then you finally got them jailed and they break out again in 2 minutes with hardly any help. I think most people disagree with you here.

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 Post subject: Re: The Moot.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:51 am 

Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:43 am
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SK Character: Pilnor, Surrit, Berr, Rall
It only takes one defending peacekeeper to fend off a single necro with little risk involved. This is a true statement that deserves repeating. I've played multiple characters in the Peacekeepers, I've done it before.

The problem is that instead of seeing my arguments, you are arguing against my character. You're also using evidence that you're making up. I was broken out of jail about 20-30 minutes later because Tolene, the only peacekeeper online, logged off. I also had help from 3 PCs. Even then, the only reason I actually got out was because of a totally last-ditch effort somehow worked yet still ended up with me having another spirit doll of myself made, one of the PCs helping me got jailed, and another got killed and jlooted.

I -would- be pissed if I jailed someone and then they got broken out 2 minutes later, because that would mean that I totally dropped the ball and didn't defend my jail properly. Now, if they get broken out 2 minutes later because I logged out, then who am I to argue with that? It isn't like the guy should be forced to sit in jail afk until I log back in.

This whole "Breaking people out of jail should be as difficult as breaking into cabals" idea would be great, except that jailtime sucks enough already and it's obscenely easy to rack up a long list of crimes with any PKing character. It's like getting killed and jlooted except instead of sitting in the river until someone rezzes you, you have to sit doing absolutely nothing except sending tells for what can easily become OOC days of logged-in time.

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 Post subject: Re: The Moot.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:58 am 

Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:59 am
Posts: 755
DON'T rack up the crimes, simple as that. You would not have RL days worth of jail time.

You seem to miss that fact.

EDIT: WAIT forgot the important part....

Game doesn't revolve around PKing everyone in sight, if you can't find some pleasure other than killing people and NPCs, then be prepared to suffer for your actions.

More to the game than what you want.

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 Post subject: Re: The Moot.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:07 am 

Joined: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:21 pm
Posts: 906
The problem is this, Edoras wants the game easy for him to kill anyone he wants to without consequence nor difficulty.

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