Kaylia wrote:
Dolls being in the symbol slot is one of the reasons I wanted to roll a shaman. I wouldn't care if the stats were brought down to the level of other holy symbols. Having to carry around a doll is just stupid. I echo everyone else saying that the spirit doll symbol was one of the better changes made in the game.
I don't really know you, WW, but I can go ahead and guess you've never really played a shaman in the Fist. Sounds to me to be one of those "OMG, nerf that thing over there that I don't play!" comments. Playing a shaman in the Fist right now, I can tell you that they are NOT that powerful, and, if anything, need a bit more love. So yes, dolls being held instead of in symbol slot screws me over. No, I don't intend to complain about it any further than I have in this post. Check yourself about whining about class/cabal combos you've likely never played before.
Good day.
Somebody please tell me that I did not just read this.
I have never played a Fist at all, let alone a Fist Shaman. I have however played some pretty damn good shamans. And been around long enough to know that Fist Shaman is the single most fotm thing in the entire game. Generally played by newbies.
I've wanted to play a Fist for a long while. A Fist Shaman, actually. However, the cabal always has some limp-wristed screwball for a leader, and is full of people who expect to get through the game typing "ama" every 10 seconds. Also, the Fist RP is dumb.
It's not the best combo, but it's got a lot of potential.
The biggest problem is that it's, as I said, generally played by newbies. And I don't mean people new to the game, I mean people who join the cabal because it makes it so much easier to play with 0 effort on your part. Don't expect to be the biggest badass around when you don't have to do anything.
Please consider the fact that you are playing a spellcaster. And joined a cabal whose main ability prevents any spellcasting. You're probably basically playing a Fist who just happens to have SA 24/7. You aren't playing a Shaman.
That doesn't seem like the best mechanics combo, unless you are ++pro.