Muktar wrote:
You missed my point, D is the one that it should be rarely, if ever, that lighties kill lighties. There is 0 moral justification for what happened yesterday. So, you would be alright if I rolled a lightie and started to label everyone in the west that doesn't think that the western trio isn't corrupt as corrupt and I am doing the righteous cleansing of the gods, is okay rp?
Sargas wrote:
There is a due process for everything, and it's up to characters to ICly hash out their situations. However, if there is people refusing to RP from both sides, then it's a problem, and that's where people like me get involved.
I'm sorry, Muktar, but you completely fail to see the situation if you think there's no moral justification for what happened. You're uninformed, uneducated, outside of the loop, and are throwing around unjustified opinions fueled by rhetoric and hyperbole.
How often does a lightie kill a lightie? By my count, about as often as it takes for a lightie to ruin his reputation repeatedly, and then spend years actively fighting every effort and opportunity to restore it. I think that's valid RP right there, and completely fulfills Dulrik's "rarely, if ever" caveat of scrupulous. No matter how hyperbolic you scream and how loud you get, lighties aren't going around spam-killing other lighties like cupcakes at a fatty convention.This isn't some, within the past 3 days thing. This is weeks, and months, of BS building up. Just get over the fact that the RP is valid, and there's no reason to be making it rain curses.
The problem with what Sargas said is that the IMMs come in from an OOC perspective and educate the player, punish, talk to, and convert to the side of being a Good Player™. That's one facet of the system. The problem is that Sargas, the God of War, IC'ly isn't going to come down and get said player's back and tell everyone to step off. He also can't tell every character to forget what had happened IC'ly. Bad RP has repercussions in character, unfortunately. This is one of them. To call characters IC'ly acting on this bad RP is inappropriate, even if it is killing the perpetrator of said bad RP.
Punishing characters for acting upon the RP presented to them, even if it is cursable/bad RP,
is the second wrong that doesn't make a right. Sometimes, people just have to deal with the consequences.
Muktar, I'd tell you to stop emailing me, too. Or I'd auto-forward them to a trash container. You're a victim of the boy who cried wolf mentality. You get all twisted in your undies over the slightest potential issues (which aren't issues), so that when you do bring a valid complaint to light, nobody listens. You have no one to blame for that but yourself.
PS: I'm sorry, but I don't get why everyone keeps saying the western 3 or whatever. If you think Tari has bad RP, I'm going to laugh in your face. OA can be an obnoxious human being, but to call his RP bad is absolutely laughable.