Aust wrote:
While I agree with you 100% that Deep-Elves have vulnerabilities that outweigh the benefits in the hellion department, I have this image of the deep elf hellion in a specific organization walking around with 2 dominates, a pet, a guard NPC that may or may not be dominating another NPC, I don't think that's the answer to deep-elves we want.
Also, how is that fair to gnome mercenary, or deep-elf mercenary, or giant warlock, half elf sorcerer or any of the other race/class combinations that suffer from a weaker standing in relation to other race/class combinations? Balance is hard, but I don't think this is the way to achieve it. I would be more in favor of damage vulnerabilities like iron, blunt, light, etc having a halved effect for certain classes, those expected to be taking more damage than others since they are more likely to be in the thick of it.
...A gnome merc would beat a deep-elf hellion 1v1.