Dulrik wrote:
Can you give other suggestions to make it more feasible in practice?
First, take NPC tracking all but completely out of the game. There are so many, many NPCs out there in the game that track to a completely insane degree and with no sense to the act. Just to take a popular example, those tigers in Zhenshi. They're only really any kind of issue for low level characters, however, these tigers will follow GMs nearly all the way across the map to just throw themselves pointlessly on weapons. I can understand boss NPCs having tracking, those NPCs that are powerful enough to basically be "How dare you mess with me and think you can just run away?" But the majority of NPCs in this game really don't need it, and don't make sense having it.
Second, take the memory flag thing away from most NPCs as well. That will make sure that people attempting to train by stunning don't back track to check on the health level of previously stunned NPCs, then suddenly find themselves swarmed by more than they can handle. Again, only certain kinds of NPCs should really ever be flagged with that memory thing. Boss NPCs, common charms/controls, things of that sort.
Third, increase the healing rate of HP. Personally, I don't think this would be unbalancing to do it across the board, but if you want to keep it where only naturally restored HP can generate exp from NPCs, then the rate of regeneration on NPCs has to be significantly increased (tripled at least). Another possible solution to this on a code-level is to have any NPC under a certain level (say, 35-40) given some kind of flag where if they're stunned on a tick, they fully regen their hps "naturally." There are some fringe cases where I can see this causing problems, but on the main it would just make training to stun a viable solution. The reason I don't suggest that NPCs all the way to top level do this is because after a certain level there's enough high-level NPCs that are diametrically opposed to the allignments that killing them really shouldn't pose any kind of rp issues (demons for lighties, angels for darkies, etc).
A dirty, inelegant work around that wouldn't require a code change would be to have wizi script NPCs that wander common leveling areas that "naturally" heal any NPCs below a certain percentage of HPs as long as they're not currently in combat. That's an unwieldy solution at best, but I don't believe it would require code changes to enact.
Fourth, incentivize training to mode stun. Quest NPCs that give rewards for not killing NPCs in common training areas, but instead stunning them, could easily be fitted to themes for all alignments. Evil alignments would be something like "Death is a release, not a punishment. Beat them to show them who's boss, but don't cut into our workforce by killing them, and I'll make it worth your while." Good alignments would be something like "The foes here need to be taught a lesson in the power of the Light, but how can they learn if they're dead? Knock them senseless in the hopes that it will knock some sense into them, and the Light will reward you." Players and characters then still have the option of training to mode kill, but there is an actual reason not to. Just have the quest counters reset to 0 if they kill a NPC in the area.
I'm sure with a few more hours of dedicated thought I could come up with other suggestions that would make training to mode stun a viable option, but those are the ones that come to mind off the top of my head.