reader wrote:
That spell needed a wimp.
It's by far the most powerful of the cabal room spells. Put it at the stones and it's Game Over for anyone who recalls and fails their save.
This isn't really true, since afaik you can keep recalling and each time you recall you will have the opportunity to save against the spell. If you have ten recall vials on you, you will have ten attempts to save against the spell. Plus, any class with access to scrolls can teleport away. Other classes have access to dispel (though admittedly I remember my max art sorcerer blowing through his -entire- mana pool trying to dispel that spell).
Code update looks pretty good. My initial reaction to poltergeist was similar to reader's. I would recommend putting a very large lag on this ability, possibly a lag that precedes the use of the ability instead of following it.
Since IMMs are reading this thread, I guess I'll take this opportunity to point out that the save for charm person is still broken. It's the hardest spell in the game to save against, and also the most devastating spell in the game when it lands. Why should these two priveleges be held by the same spell? I think the save for it is broken because of the part of the code that makes charisma of the caster affect its success rate. I don't understand why charm person is 10x easier to land than petrification. Could an IMM please take a look at this spell and verify/deny my assertion that the save is out of line with other spells?