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 Post subject: Re: Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas and Bateje
PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:58 am 

Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:21 am
Posts: 99
Since I have posted another afterlife post just yesterday, I shall post this one in the same thread in a different format, to add variety:

So shortly following some pk attempt (by me, I should mention) earlier (ended in stalemate, whatever Ardith says).

Wife: Why are you in such a grumpy mood?
Me: Ahh, I can't beat these assholes on this game I play when I have nothing to do at work (all the time).
Wife: You're in a bad mood, grumping at me, because of a GAME!?!?!?
Me: Yeah, there are loads of great things about the game. It's cool for passing time, and there are some wicked guys playing, most of the fights are fun when there's mutual respect, but there are also some people who just want to win and crush you whatever. They don't realise or don't care there's another human being behind the screen who is trying to have fun as well.
Wife: You're in a bad mood, grumping at me, because of a GAME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Me: ...
Wife - *fixes me with stare*

So, uhm, yeah. Sorry to those I let down. But I care too much about people to watch others treat them like [REDACTED] (not particularly Ardith in this case though he's around it, just Syn that I think is a complete [REDACTED]). I accept you lot (you know who I mean) aren't breaking any hard rules with your voodooing out of nowhere, or your seancing to keep people from getting rezzed, or your full loots and your generally obnoxious attitude. But, uhm, yeah, it's just [REDACTED]. And I literally lost sleep last night because I got wound up by the nasty way various people play this game and treat their fellow players, and the unbelieveable way people then talk [REDACTED] on the forum. The imms don't give a crap, apparently, so I can only assume it's not going to change.

As for Bateje - as implied in yesterday's post, there were things I wanted to try. I was going to be a cookie cutter drood. I spent ages looking to get in, and loved it. I got to explore the RP of balance and nature (which I have never done before) well before even hearing about the druids IC. And spent ages trying to creep closer to them. I got in and saw that they have one of the finest traditions in the entire game, and I'm sad that I never played when I had less going on IRL.

However, I can't really justify to anyone playing a game that makes me grumpy.

Good luck to all.

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 Post subject: Re: Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas and Bateje
PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:05 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 24, 2002 11:51 am
Posts: 1500
dorgan wrote:
Since I have posted another afterlife post just yesterday, I shall post this one in the same thread in a different format, to add variety:

So shortly following some pk attempt (by me, I should mention) earlier (ended in stalemate, whatever Ardith says).

Wife: Why are you in such a grumpy mood?
Me: Ahh, I can't beat these assholes on this game I play when I have nothing to do at work (all the time).
Wife: You're in a bad mood, grumping at me, because of a GAME!?!?!?
Me: Yeah, there are loads of great things about the game. It's cool for passing time, and there are some wicked guys playing, most of the fights are fun when there's mutual respect, but there are also some people who just want to win and crush you whatever. They don't realise or don't care there's another human being behind the screen who is trying to have fun as well.
Wife: You're in a bad mood, grumping at me, because of a GAME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Me: ...
Wife - *fixes me with stare*

So, uhm, yeah. Sorry to those I let down. But I care too much about people to watch others treat them like love (not particularly Ardith in this case though he's around it, just Syn that I think is a complete [REDACTED]). I accept you lot (you know who I mean) aren't breaking any hard rules with your voodooing out of nowhere, or your seancing to keep people from getting rezzed, or your full loots and your generally obnoxious attitude. But, uhm, yeah, it's just [REDACTED]. And I literally lost sleep last night because I got wound up by the nasty way various people play this game and treat their fellow players, and the unbelieveable way people then talk love on the forum. The imms don't give a crap, apparently, so I can only assume it's not going to change.

As for Bateje - as implied in yesterday's post, there were things I wanted to try. I was going to be a cookie cutter drood. I spent ages looking to get in, and loved it. I got to explore the RP of balance and nature (which I have never done before) well before even hearing about the druids IC. And spent ages trying to creep closer to them. I got in and saw that they have one of the finest traditions in the entire game, and I'm sad that I never played when I had less going on IRL.

However, I can't really justify to anyone playing a game that makes me grumpy.

Good luck to all.

Good job on flooding your own afterlife thread with a river of tears. If you want to bash on Syn, there is a whole thread dedicated to that on the gameplay forum: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=21503

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 Post subject: Re: Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas and Bateje
PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:10 am 

Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:21 pm
Posts: 4452
I'll let you say stalemate, but I could have slaughtered you easily.

I wanted to comment on the post about me not burning your centaur. I didn't realise he was there. Therves only told me about the paladin and I actually somehow did not see you standing there pounding on my NPC since I was so focused on killing Heisei, I guess. I didn't even notice until my prompt said that there was a large male centaur at big nasty wounds and scratches.

And you delete after one battle? Come on man! It is not mine nor Syn's fault that your allies are too busy QQing about voodoo and saying woe is me, playing alts and jerking around instead of rallying support for the light side.

Sounds like you should just join my side. I hear darkies get pleveled.

Not sure why you blame Syn for this. Were you afraid she was going to cast voodoo on your shaman? If so, and you rage deleted, I do believe this qualifies as Syn winning SK.

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 Post subject: Re: Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas and Bateje
PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:20 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:41 am
Posts: 2596
Location: Witness Protection
SK Character: Cyndane - Talys
ninja_ardith wrote:
I'll let you say stalemate, but I could have slaughtered you easily.

You guys realize ardith is joking when he says this stuff, right?

Also. Wow. I made a shaman delete because I was using voodoo.

I actually liked Bateje. Did you think I was going to voodoo him?

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 Post subject: Re: Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas and Bateje
PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:15 am 

Joined: Mon Jun 17, 2002 9:52 pm
Posts: 144
Its a shame, I really liked Bateje..a kind of no nonsense shaman who had respect for the I would actually picture a shaman to be. After what we spoke of the other day, I was made aware you deleted by Mira when she said I would love to make it happen but he deleted....
As for the way players treat others ,its something you just need to get used to...Do I get upset when people pull BS and cheap tactics...sure but I realize its just a game. Your right, the moment it starts affecting your sleep and treating others, its time to move on. If you dont and people see it, they just dig harder at you, its like being in 4th grade all over again.(which isnt too far from the truth being some of the people on here are about that age, perhaps just mentally) People talk a big game because they sit behind a computer screen and have no consequences for the smack they talk, or tactics they use. Next time just take a break from that char, take a deep breath and come back. After everything that has happened with me in the last few days I actually had a good back and forth fight with syn...she even stopped when she realized I was afk for a second believe it or not, I will just chaulk it up to a moment of weakness...perhaps she was watching the hallmark channel or that Animal Rights commerical came on, I wouldnt expect it again but the game can be Fun....Look forward to your next Char.. :drunk:

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 Post subject: Re: Krilasth - Warrior of the Mel'nas and Bateje
PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:44 pm 

Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:22 am
Posts: 45
SK Character: Fardur
I will definitely miss Beteje. Very helpful and always going out of his way to protect others in his group. I will miss the adventures we had. Take a break and when you're ready, roll out your next char. :)


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