witherwood wrote:
Krauss: Imperial scout, friend of Nyrimor. Went Druids instead of MC. Taught me that enemies can have complex relationships.
Other Cool Cats:
Abin, Lorzatu, Konstantin, Chevan, Uyzella, Alaquel Daern, Shandraelle, Rowena, Maighdin, Aedus, Falicis, Lapri, Phreya
Awwww, I just noticed this! *sniff* Witherwood! You dawg!
If I had to, I'd have to thank the following people for the fact that they made SK "something" I can't get unhooked of for long:
Lorzatu - Back when there was fountain RP, Lorzatu was one of the first experiences I've had as Trizzan. And by experiences, I mean getting killed by a fireball aimed STRAIGHT at the crowd of RPers, followed by a meffing ANGRY centaur brandishing Hell's Wind!
Lapri - You were an excellent roleplayer, even if you were just 12 back when I played Trizzan! I hope you're well, whatever you're doing these days!
Siegfried (v2.0 if I recall correctly) / Ingefreith for showing this mud to me. I know you're still out there. Krauss started out as the manservant of Ingefreith and grew up to be so much, much more.
Sargas(2002-ish) - The brittish FoC that led the faith when Ingefreith and Athelhaide were High Followers. Back there, mentioning "Sargas" got you a cleave in the face, or a slay. We all called him Feeder. And! I got to interact with a couple of "humans" of his, twice

Athelhaide for being Ingefreith's counterpart to the Faith of War, too bad things went as they did.
Galus - Elite Knightlord
Loqui - Even more elite Spirit Horse of Chancellorship
Enfaustina (I think it was this character) - for being a kick-ass hellion as well!
Abin - for being the properly wicked Imperial MC Scout. And for skinning a bunch of wraiths for me after I was executed while defending Menegroth against the Feathered Dragon, thanks to law code (I was -never- in the MC you see...)
Because I'm no in the "-rties" of age, I do not remember the rest of the MC of "back then" but I want to thank them all for the elite encounters we had. I really felt I was playing a true spy of the empire, with me roaming around the world and talking to people, without ever being part of the MC.
Moving on, however:
Kalum and Inidil - For opening the demon gate and generally kicking all that plot into motion. Especially Kalum, because he was a kick-ass villain.
Druids of that year - for the entire RP that shaped the map of Bright Star so much! additionally so, for letting me in. Those were the most spiritual and deep rp moments of my online experience. I would name you, but I only remember Morovik. I still blame my age for not remembering the rest

Konstantin von Eisenfaust - We have him to thank that Seawatch is as pretty as it is! And for most of SK's artwork. And for setting a certain "standard" for Hellion RP. And for being a generally kick [REDACTED] character. Last time I checked, his scabbard is in the game as an item

And a bunch, bunch more. Really more. In all the characters I've been through, there have always been several that made this game a pleasant experience throughout. It's always been a blast, trying out a character concept every one or two years

Oh... except one thing. The CRS sucks. I'm sorry, but it sucks. No matter how hard people try, the fact that I was guessing for almost 4-5 OOC months WHO is a Druid and WHO is an Adept and WHO is a Fist back when I was playing Krauss, and where are their headquarters and all, can never be replicated. And that's because back then, cabals were about atmosphere, concept and backstory, while now it's about balance.
Keep Roleplaying all