Galdor's history (IC)
Galdor was born in the forest of Winterwood, abandoned at seventeen years of age he quickly found his way upon a monastery and from there his life was changed greatly. He found what he was always missing, serenity of both the mind and body. From there Galdor ran with his newfound interest of enlightenment.
From an
OOC perspective I tried to model Galdor to be the most humble character on SK. Always accepting defeat, never crying about l00t (A MONUMENTAL CHANGE FROM MY LAST FEW CHARACTERS

I am aware it’s customary in the afterlife thread to have a list of people to thank, but honestly that list would be huge and include almost every character on SK.
If I disappointed anyone with this delete, I apologize wholeheartedly. I just really felt as if this was a long time coming, to be totally honest. I haven't had much time to play SK and I felt that playing Galdor became more of a chore then a pleasure. So I decided it was time to delete;delete.
This is also coupled with the fact that the army sent me another letter forcing me to go active duty within the next 30-60 days.

But, At any rate!
I hope I can muster up the will to one day play SK once again in the future, but for now that idea is on the backburner. Once again, I'd like to thank you all. I've been in this community probably five years now and I don't think I've ever met such a good group of people on the internet.
All the best!
Eusd, Thispar, Bork, Miriec, Kowin, Galdor (a few more that I can't think of)- Furyofthen00b…