7:36 AM, EST . . .
[HP: 3%] [ME: 96%] [PE:100%]
Death arrives and escorts your soul to the spirit world.
[HP: 18%] [ME:100%] [PE:100%]
> l
The River of Death
You find your disembodied spirit floating in the midst of a haze of
white vapors above a dark, murky river. Where the river begins and
ends is impossible to discern, it seems to stretch forever in every
direction all around you. Somehow, the waters seem to flow above you, below
you, and even through you. The river's current might be carrying you, the
sense of motion present to your mind, yet the feeling cannot be escaped that
somehow you're watching the flowing tides from some great distance...
Obvious exits:
[HP: 18%] [ME:100%] [PE:100%]
The current sweeps you to a far-off shore.
Magical energies swirl about your spirit...
You feel a bit disoriented.
You cough and sputter, having been found yet unready for the Afterlife.
A lost soul, still damp, has returned from the River of Death.
[HP: 21%] [ME:100%] [PE:100%]
4 people online, no priests.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!