Dxex wrote:
That lasso usually has about a 6-10 foot diameter, so that in itself is a pretty huge thing to be throwing at something, a lot different than trying to put a 1.5" diameter pole between a moving persons legs. On of the things about getting close to anyone with a weapon while on horseback is the horse's legs getting cut, they are extremely vulnerable.
If you had special training perhaps, like you specialize in say some sort of riding skill, but not for the average warrior.
Personally I worry more about my butt falling off a horse and concentrate on that, you would be surprised how many times I fell off a horse at a dead stand still just by leaning the wrong way in the saddle and the horse exhaling so the girth loosened, then plop right on the ground.
It's not actually that tough to knock someone off of their feet. We're one of the worst animals in the world when it comes to balance. Any blow by a guy riding a horseback would likely knock someone off of their feet to begin with because of the added mass of the mount. Fortunately, SK is but a game, and real life mechanics aren't portrayed in the game. Being tripped is probably the least of your worries when facing a mounted opponent, anyway.