Terrus wrote:
Baldric wrote:
Remove compulsion does not have a long cast time and has a success rate of 100% in my experiences.
If people can zap/recite/brandish OP crap while holding two charms, then do something about the OP items being used. It's a lot easier to remove OP unnecessary consumables from the game than change the charm code and frankly I don't think those OP items should be in the game.
Like I said originally this idea will only limit humans and deep-elves from having two charms. Deep-elves can't even rest with two charms because they don't have enough concentration and humans are even worse off.
You may think I'm bad at playing a sorc which is totally fine by my but you didn't fight near the amount of remove compulsion priests I have I can guarantee you that. Especially a remove compulsion priest in the Guardians/Keepers. They've never killed me, but they effectively neutralize my charm everytime. All it takes is 2 rounds and I'm not really quite sure how I could kill a priest + pet + tribunal NPC in 2 rounds. Maybe you could explain?
1) I can think of several ways that a sorc could deal with a tribunal cloth priest. Even against the best, most prepared players in the game, there are many options available to the sorc. In fact, if a tribunal sorc goes 1v1 with a tribunal cloth priest, and DOESN'T bring a charm, my money would be on the sorc. If a non-tribunal sorc brings a tanking NPC (Bill on mood defensive for example) to a fight with a tribunal cloth priest, I think it's an even match. The sorc will be put in the second row early in the fight, but in that amount of time, he can easily put the enemy priest in the second row as well. The sorc can dirt kick the priest, color spray the priest's group, taunt the priest, feeblemind the priest, backstab the priest, petrify the priest's group, cause the priest's group to flee from zapped fear, or kill the priest with faerie fire/triple harm/triple FoD. There are several other things the sorc can do. Basically, it'll be a close fight, but the sorc has ways of winning. Against almost every other class/race/faction combo, however, the sorc will have a noticeable advantage. That's why they're OP.
2)I will, however, concede that a select group of priests have a decent way of neutralizing charmies. As mentioned above, I don't think this means that cloth priest should always win a fight against a sorc. Sorcs just have too many options available to them for that to be the case. Furthermore, the fact that a small portion of one class can counter a tactic doesn't really mean that the tactic isn't OP, or that the class using the tactic isn't OP.
3) I thought deep-elves could rest while holding two charms. Edoras can correct me if I'm mistaken.
4) Nerfing magical devices has far-reaching effects and would extend beyond the sorcerer class. I agree that this is an option, though.
5) Tribunals aren't going to be removed no matter how many times you ask for it. Putting your argument in CAPS will also cause people not to take you seriously. I actually agree with you that there are some advantages to removing tribunals from the game. However, I think there's a lot that they add to the game as well, and I'd be loath to see those things removed. Perhaps there is some compromise that could be struck, where maybe you make the buffs available to them even better, improve their control over the enforcement of laws, and remove their ability to group up with tribunal guards. That sort of change would have a huge impact on game balance, however, and deserves its own thread.
Finally, I'd like to apologize to you and to anyone else whom I was hostile/obnoxious towards in the forums yesterday. I was sleep-deprived. For some reason I just couldn't fall asleep the night before and had been awake for a very long time. You'll notice that I started this thread at 6:00 AM or something.