Jaren was born an abandoned bastard child in the Empire of the Bright Star. His father, Dago, who probably never knew of Jaren as Jaren never knew of him, abandoned his mother not long after meeting her and planting his seed, leaving her to have nothing to do with this creature of a child.
All his life he had to fend for himself, doing what he had to to make sure he made it through the night. He quickly came to embrace the idea of Fear, as Fear drove him to survive and he found himself ordained in the church of the Father by the Dame Kura Dachus. Immediately, he began serving by doing his work in the shadows and ended up turning it into a booming business. (Jaren had money falling out of his ears before it was all over and done with. I carried around 50 obsidian with me at just about all times).
Because of his harsh and cowardly way of living, he took to the ways and lifestyle of a rogue and assassin very quickly, and eventually came to be invited into the Manor of the Harlequin where he was able to unlock and unravel secrets of the shadows he had no idea he existed, becoming not one man, but many in his own mind. He was always a lunatic, though I tried not to make it so obvious in the beginning but let it seep out slowly and surely as his life went on. Dago was a maniac so it was only fitting Jaren follow the father he never knew closely in his footsteps. Murder, paranoia, and malice was in this bloodline and he embraced unknowlingly embraced it from birth.
Jaren has faded into the shadows he believed he was ultimately born from, lurking and listening, his whispers of lunacy and Fear a constant for Pyrathia.
o [Attributes] Jaren of a Thousand Faces, Bastard and Businessman. o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Human Class: Rogue o
o Age: 29 Sex: Male Size: Medium o
o Alignment: Diabolic Handiness: Left handed Religion: Algorab o
o STR: Powerful INT: Smart WIS: Clever o
o DEX: Acrobatic CON: Durable CHA: Distant o
o Carrying capacity: 23 items with a maximum weight of 325.0 pounds. o
o [Scores] Jaren, of a Thousand Faces, Bastard and Businessman. o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Human Class: Rogue o
o Kingdom: Empire Cabal: The Harlequins (Member) o
o Coins: zero o
o Carrying: 2/23 items Load: 184.1/325.0 pounds o
o Health: Excellent Mental: Pulsating Physical: Fresh o
o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 50 percent Mode: Kill/aggressive o
I made this character on a whim and was an absolute blast to play. I loved the freedom of a diabolic rogue to be able to do whatever I wanted with his roleplay. I tend to hate playing evil characters because it just makes me feel like a jerk most of the time I play, so I'm hoping most of your characters ended up hating him as much as you should have. If you did, I'll feel like I did what I set out to accomplish with Jaren.
As it stands, I can't make the time to play SK the way I'd like to. It doesn't help that the new expansion for WoW comes out tonight and I've been talked into giving it another shot. SK has been good to me for the most part and I'm sure I'll end up making another sooner or later. (Probably sooner than later as it always tends to draw me back in). I've had a blast playing with all of you. Until I make another, yall keep on keepin' on.
I'm not going to send out any special thanks because I always leave people out, so thank all of you that have interacted with and affected any of my characters over the years. It has been a treat. Apologies for the short background story, but I don't tend to give these things much thought and usually wing all of my characters, allowing them to develop themselves depending on what happens to them through IC events. Again, I hope you all enjoyed your time with Jaren and my other past chars as much as I enjoyed playing them with you.