I lost interest in her.
One, because I couldn't pull off the RP the way I wanted to, mostly because it just got too inconvenient and boring to be so antisocial, and two, because I lost faith in her viability in PK due to a heedlessly RP-motivated race pick.
I still think that what I was aiming for, RP-wise and PK-wise (if anyone figured out what either of those were) is completely doable, but I'd have to change race, alignment, religion, and gender. However, I'm burned out on trying that direction for now, so my next will probably be a paranoid schizophrenic whose concept I've been digesting for a while, and whose card, it seems, has been drawn.
Thank you, to everyone who has had quality interactions with me. On the same note, screw all of you who never made the effort. In both cases, an inclusive list would ultimately be an exclusive one, and I don't trust myself to remember all the good ones.
I'm going to take a breather, worry about exams, then maybe come back and powerlevel said schizophrenic during the next bonanza.
Elreean. Don't PK mentor level characters, sleeping in an inn, who have successfully avoided any violent conflict with anyone and everyone, who your character hasn't met. If you do do this, find some reason other than just because they're a lightie and you're HURR HURR SO DIABOLIC!!!!1!!!1!1one, and because you forgot that your spell that can fire-and-forget kill people can kill people, and kill them without your being reported for murder.
Your "Ar Pee" has consisted of being the same smug e-peenor windmill throughout all of your assembly line characters of every aura, so I'm really not all *that* surprised, but you should try to show a little more restraint.)