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 Post subject: Dead faiths
PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:17 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 677
Location: The great white north
So what do a person do if they want to join a faith without a high follower or an inactive high follower or the only high follower plays on a different schedule than your character.

I was under the impression that, if your character needed to be in a faith (read: paladin, priest, hellion) that you shouldn't a) be required to wait (outside of RP of interest, etc) or b) be invest-then-blemished

Its going on 4 days IRL since my character chose a god to follow and about a week since I saw the high follower of the faith. For the past 2 days I have been doing OOC prayers trying to get invested. The outcome?

Nadda. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

I tried hinting at my frustration with an idea for "who imm". I tried venting with a prod at Viltrax to update the religious high followers status.

This post is my last straw. Leveling a spell dependent class without access to spells is annoying at best, considering I have almost all my skills learned.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:43 pm 

Joined: Sat Mar 02, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 1444
Location: New York
Which religion do you need help with?

Try pming one or both high followers plus the imm in question and Achernar?

It seems like it would be pretty easy to set up a mechanic whereby a character "declares" his/her intention to join a religion. Once the declaration is in place, any high follower will receive a notification upon log in that the person is seeking a faith (similar to the notification about change of diplomatic status). If no action is taken by a high follower within 3 days IRL or 10 game hours (whichever comes first) the person is automatically invested.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:16 pm 
Immortal (Inactive)

Joined: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:47 pm
Posts: 163
jhorleb wrote:
Try pming [...] the imm in question

There's an idea ...

Furthermore, the religion status thread was updated as of 09/02/2010. While the IMMstaff does usually make changes to the red and yellow faiths after the monthly reset, it might not necessarily be true one or more HFs have been appointed.

Praying OOCly is a good start, but with this you must be patient. Not only are you not guaranteed someone will see them, but we may not necessarily jump to help you right away. Know that we are aware of the people currently seeking more inactive religions.

A solution to streamline the investment processes may be nice, but the loss of four days is hardly any reason to be overly upset. HFs are encouraged to invest right away, but that does not mean you should be invested the second you choose to follow a certain deity.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:14 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 677
Location: The great white north
Meissa wrote:
Furthermore, the religion status thread was updated as of 09/02/2010. While the IMMstaff does usually make changes to the red and yellow faiths after the monthly reset, it might not necessarily be true one or more HFs have been appointed.
At the end of the post "Religious Leader Status" it says "Last edited by Viltrax on 29 Jul 2009 23:59; edited 29 times in total". As for the current as of September 2. That wasn't there last time I checked and I don't know how Viltrax updated the post without modifying it.

Meissa wrote:
Praying OOCly is a good start, but with this you must be patient. Not only are you not guaranteed someone will see them, but we may not necessarily jump to help you right away. Know that we are aware of the people currently seeking more inactive religions.
I have been praying the same thing about every 15 minutes during my game play over the last 4 days - Thats about about 15 hours of play. About 60 OOC prayers. In that time no one has seen the prayer? No one has bothered to even say "Oh, ok, I'll pass it on to the Imm in question."

Meissa wrote:
... but the loss of four days is hardly any reason to be overly upset
Pardon? Who are you to put a value on my time? I think that comment is out of line. I'll won't dwell upon it, however.

Meissa wrote:
HFs are encouraged to invest right away, but that does not mean you should be invested the second you choose to follow a certain deity.
I could have been invested the minute I wanted to, however as this is supposed to be an RP based mud, I decided to ... Gasp... RP. A character who needs to decide who to follow, instead being predestined at creation.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:05 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 4:00 pm
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SK Character: Viltrax
Achernar has sufficient rights that his edits of my original post aren't updated by that footer. Editting my own posts does show up in the footer (provided someone has replied since), hence the confusion regarding the timestamp at the bottom of the post vs. when it was actually last updated.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:19 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:50 pm
Posts: 5522

Self-electing Seeker system (">seek Yed", show up in flock command and who religion)
Offline investment possible


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:51 am 

Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:21 pm
Posts: 4452
there is a thread in the HF forums that is utilised for finding seekers of other faiths and pointing them out to each other.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:39 am 
Gold Donor

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Location: Edmonton, Alberta
ninja_ardith wrote:
there is a thread in the HF forums that is utilised for finding seekers of other faiths and pointing them out to each other.

True, and it has helped quite a bit since it started being used too.

But what about seekers who don't put what religion they are seeking in their title, like ones who seek some of the darker churches and wish to be discreet? Not everyone has access to that forum and that makes it much harder for the non-HF who knows someone who isn't advertising that they seek a religion to get the word to the appropriate person(s), especially if that non-HF has no clue who is HF of what. It is a far from perfect solution, and I (at least) like to think we could make it easier for both sides, seekers and flocks.

grep's idea is a decent one, especially the offline investment although I'm sure the majority of HF's would like to interact with the one being invested, I know I sure do (even if I'm not a HF at the time).

What would be nice is a modified version of 'mentor'. Usable anywhere as long as you have no religion flag, you do just like grep suggests, 'seek <god name>' and a tell is sent to all members of that religion that are online that such-and-such is seeking to join the flock, and hell, send it to any Imms online at the time too in case there are no members of the religion around at all.

Opting for something that would not require any coding, a voluntary list of current HF's and their forumid and playtimes in the Pantheon forum, and just hope the seeker knows/figures out to look in the forums. Although the flaws in this idea are pretty clear, it would be a small step in the right direction at least.

Oh, and back to the original post, yeah, try to email the religion leader + CC it to another senior imm as well (optional, but doesn't really hurt anyone). Keep it fairly short and to the point, polite, and be a little patient. You might be surprised at the results.

Viltrax wrote:
We have created aliases for any imm-slot that is not currently occupied by an active immortal, and it will forward to whichever caretaker immortal is listed above. In short, you no longer need to lookup who is taking care of, say, the Yed religion. Just email
(from here, second post)

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:48 am 

Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 5:06 am
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SK Character: Theodoric
Heh, I've spent four+ days waiting to get invested on several characters. They pretty much always catch you within 2 weeks. That's an insignificant amount of time compared to the total lifetime of any race. How is this such a big deal to you? Realize that imms are people with RLs too and that you'll be picked up asap and RP as a seeker for a couple days.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:14 am 

Joined: Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:22 pm
Posts: 1648
The more people that know you're seeking, the more people that might tell the HF, the quicker you will get invested. Stop leveling for an hour and talk with people. Just a thought.

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