Don't want to see people you don't know? Fed up of seeing all those
"new to Pyrathia" n00bs that you don't want to talk to? Then Gag
Ungreeted is for you!
#CLASS {gagungreeted}
#VAR skippedplayer {0} {0}
#TRIGGER {~[HP:(%n)~%~] ~[MP:(%n)~%~] ~[PE:(%n)~%~]} {;#gag}
#TRIGGER {Players found: (%n)} {#gag;#math knownplayers %1-@skippedplayer;#show %cr Players Known: @knownplayers of %1 %cr;scroll 42;#T- gagungreeted} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {Scroll set to 100 lines.} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {~[--- ---~]} {#GAG;#add skippedplayer 1 gagungreeted}
#TRIGGER {scroll 42} {#gag}
#ALIAS whog {#T+ gagungreeted;#var skippedplayer {0} {0} gagungreeted;scroll 100;who}
Now all you have to do is type "whog" and only see the people who
have greeted you! Sorry, it still returns annoying non-wizinvis
immortals, paragons and people who have auto anonymous turned off.