For all of you people who have ever missed a tell because of combat, lost out on cabal chatter because you were traveling from Exile to Menegroth on speed run/dart or just missed something because you were AFK - No More!
#CLASS {ChatCatcher}
#TRIGGER {%w replies '%*'} {#capture "Group Tell / Tell / Cabal Chatter"}
#TRIGGER {%w tells you '%*'} {#capture "Group Tell / Tell / Cabal Chatter"}
#TRIGGER {You tell %w '%*'} {#capture "Group Tell / Tell / Cabal Chatter"}
#TRIGGER {You tell the group '%*'} {#capture "Group Tell / Tell / Cabal Chatter"}
#TRIGGER {~[%w~] %w: %*} {#capture "Group Tell / Tell / Cabal Chatter"}
#TRIGGER {%w tells the group '%*'} {#capture "Group Tell / Tell / Cabal Chatter"}