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 Post subject: [Elf, Priest] Calystria
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:49 am 

Joined: Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:36 am
Posts: 85
[Attributes] Calystria Priestess of the Restless o
o Status: Master(5) Race: Elf Class: Priest o
o Age: 166 Sex: Female Size: Medium o
o Alignment: Scrupulous Handiness: Right handed Religion: Zavijah o
o STR: Strong INT: Genius WIS: Wise o
o DEX: Limber CON: Healthy CHA: Sociable o
o Carrying capacity: 14 items with a maximum weight of 207.5 pounds.

o [Scores] Calystria, Priestess of the Restless o
o Status: Master(5) Race: Elf Class: Priest o
o Kingdom: Ayamao Cabal: Fists of the White Swan (Member) o
o Coins: zero o
o Carrying: 0/14 items Load: 0.0/207.5 pounds o
o Health: Excellent Mental: Drained Physical: Worked o
o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 0 percent Mode: Kill/aggressive o
o You are standing. o
o You still have a long way to go before the next level. o
o You have played 267 hour(s) so far.

Innate - detect magic (mastered)
Amateur - armor (very good) bless (very good)
continual light (very good) cure light (mastered)
faerie fire (good) refresh (superb)
Novice - create water (good) cure blindness (very good)
cure deafness (good) detect poison (very good)
frenzy (fair) holy symbol (superb)
protection (superb)
Initiate - cure serious (very good) identify (superb)
magical vestment (good) spirit sight (very good)
Apprentice- cancellation (fair) create food (superb)
cure poison (very good) know alignment (superb)
regeneration (fair) remove curse (good)
Journeyman- cure critical (not learned) faerie fog (good)
flamestrike (mastered) xxxxx (superb)
raise dead (good)
Veteran - cure disease (fair) locate object (good)
sanctuary (superb) spear of faith (mastered)
summon (superb)
Expert - detect aura (very good) enchant armor (superb)
enchant weapon (superb) harm (mastered)
heal (superb) recharge (not learned)
Mentor - exorcism (fair) gate (superb)
mass healing (fair) resurrection (good)
Master - holy word (good) word of recall (very good)

Innate - sneak (mastered)
Amateur - dagger (very good) flail (mastered)
mace (superb) xxxxx (not learned)
sling (not learned) staff (very good)
scrolls (very good) staves (very good)
swim (very good) taslamaran tongue (mastered)
uxmaln tongue (superb) zhensh tongue (mastered)
empire tongue (superb) aghelian tongue (superb)
sylvan tongue (mastered) firmyrn tongue (very good)
deep tongue (superb) taslamaran writing (superb)
uxmaln writing (very good) zhensh writing (very good)
empire writing (very good) aghelian writing (very good)
sylvan writing (mastered) firmyrn writing (very good)
deep writing (very good) xxxxx (superb)
Novice - meditation (mastered)
Initiate - crossbow (not learned)
Apprentice- self defense (mastered) trance (superb)
Journeyman- xxxxx (superb) shield block (mastered)
endurance (not learned)
Veteran - xxxx (superb) second attack (superb)
Expert - xxxx(not learned) brew (very good)
Mentor - xxxx (not learned)
Master - xxxxx (not learned)

Hrm, well it's been a long time with this char off and on. This is my very first char that I played past an initiate level. Learning everything on this char was fun from learning how to RP a personality. (although it was very weak still need to work on that.) There is a long list of people to thank for helping me learn. If I forget someone I am terribly sorry, I've been pulled away from the game so many times I forget many things and names but I owe alot to Myson, Hanathena, Kawl. Those are the names that really stick out in my mind but there are a ton more. To all those whom pk'd me thank you, it's a great learning experience to learn how fast you have to type. I enjoy this game very much. Still learning many things and it just stinks I get pulled away as often as I do. Forgeting how to do many things and having to learn everything again. heh, such is life.
There was a backround story I had came up with but truth be told I should of wrote it down becuase I have forgotten it. I will try to make another char and try to get better at this game. I thank the entire sk playerbase for providing many hours of confusing but entertaining fun.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:37 pm 

Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:21 pm
Posts: 2506
Location: The yellow brick road
SK Character: Bran
Awe! She was fun, I remember I helped you a few months back when you hadn't been around for awhile, got you all new armor and such. Good luck with creating a new character, if you need help with anything Contact me in game On Jaeyd or send me a PM or message on yim. My yim name is right there below the post if you wish to contact me in that way.

:drunk: Have fun.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:29 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:58 am
Posts: 35
mundufisen wrote:
if you need help with anything Contact me in game On Jaeyd or send me a PM or message on yim. My yim name is right there below the post if you wish to contact me in that way.

Perfect example as to what is wrong with the mud, Lets invite someone for an OOC hookup. And tell me again how you are holding a Paragon flag?

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 8:59 pm 

Joined: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:32 am
Posts: 1097
Location: ima steal your underwears D:<
There's nothing wrong with giving someone your YIM. Speaking with someone out of game does not make an OOC hookup. There's also nothing wrong with telling someone your character is willing to lend a helping hand. That's a perfectly legit way to give someone a start. "So-and-so is well-known in the game and would probably help you." It's the same whether it's his character or another.

She's OBVIOUSLY a very new player. She talks about learning how fast you need to type--she's probably not even played a MUD before. Offering her help is a very kind thing for him to do, and quite frankly it's an example of what's good about the game (more experienced players are willing to help newbies overcome the HORRENDOUS learning curve).

I think you owe Mundy an apology.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:19 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:50 pm
Posts: 5522
These experienced players should be invited to create better documentation on the game so that their experiences are....bah, I don't even want to explain. :roll:

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:04 am 

Joined: Tue May 05, 2009 9:51 am
Posts: 312
Location: Wichita, Ks
I think little prince said it best!

Good luck on your next, Calystria!

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:33 am 

Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:21 pm
Posts: 2506
Location: The yellow brick road
SK Character: Bran
Fodder: You were complaining because I offered to help a noobie to the game learn it better?

Of course they'd have to meet me in a natural way icly, and It'd be much more help than just getting them armor and sending them on their way.

Sheesh...People complain because players are mean to noobies and grief them and now it's being complained about because they are being offered help to learn the game better. :/

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:19 am 

Joined: Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:35 pm
Posts: 285
Location: Gergia, United States
I really like the character and I enjoyed every interaction I had with her on Kawl, shame to see Kawl out live another.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:09 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2003 7:26 am
Posts: 1908
Location: Under my covers... sleeping
I liked her, even if I didn't see her much.

Cheers :drunk:


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