Turon wrote:
stratford wrote:
By all means run the Faith how you see fit but maybe invest a little time in googling leadership theory and group dynamics? Might get you farther next time if you adopt a less authoritarian approach.
Actually, the Dulrik church leaves very little room for interpretation: Those who speak lies or falsehood are committing evil, and calling the HF of Dulrik a tyrant for explaining how things should be is a big fat one. Screw that psychological mumbo-jumbo, the Dulrik faith doesn't care. RP can't be enjoyable for every involved side if there are too many OOC expectations brought to the table, and being "authoritarian" is exactly what a good Dulrik follower who's in the right should be.
First you gotta prove that someone is lying which can be very, very difficult.
There was a whole degree of RP to the Dulrik church that had been lost completely when I rolled my last character for the church, and that was pretty sad. I guess RP [REDACTED] aren't required to actually think for themselves, just punch out a bunch of emotes and says, try to ascribe some meaning to it and call it "wonderful."