grep wrote:
Given some of your other posts ranting about CRS, I'd have thought you of all people, Mr. Ardith, would be receptive to a critique of game development that isn't "omg necromancerz killin mah mans!!1"
I guess some people just like their whine any way they can get it. Or some FF6 fans just see red when someone prefers Cecil to Cyan. Kefka was definitely the best villain ever though. I won't try to argue that.

Cyan is possibly the worst character in combat. Even making him go last after characters spam spells like Ultima doesn't even make up for the time it takes to get his sword skill to charge to level 7. I do like the character because he is awesome, but he has a lot of shortcomings in actual combat.
And seriously, while I <3 the story to FF4, Cecil is a very one-dimensional character in combat.
I eagerly anticipate the remake of FF6 though.