Deleted a few days ago in newbie pvp frustration - terrible reason in retrospect to delete a char I enjoyed so much over the last month but so it goes.
The bio I imagined for him: I was going for a sylvan elf in as pure a sense as I could make him. Tolerant of other races, even kind, but arrogant as hell - he was a pure elf and elves (to him, at least) were the most purely "good" race in pyrathia and so it wasn't quite their fault that everyone else couldn't measure up. It certainly made for interesting conflict with the most of the mud playing light aura graybies in Nerina =). He was "intended" to be a priest up until about age 100 at which time he felt called to be a paladin and that explained his tendency towards long-windedness and his (and my own as a player's) uncertainty and need to learn pvp/adventuring. I never used a contraction as Arandur and was very careful every time I addressed someone as to what I called them by. Other than that everything he did/said was freestyle. Had some very interesting interactions with some very interesting characters.
Thanks to some rp from Myranda & Bria, he heard enough about Feanor & Ealuriel to conclude that what the Kingdom really needed was the elves to step back in and do 2 things - politically separate Ayamao from the rest of realms, and make Ayamao back into a happy, free/carefree place to be for its natives. Outsiders and half-breed mongrels had drawn a shadow of pain over Ayamao and it was his goal to get rid of this pain (while to him killing deep-elves was an act of love, not hate, it was understandably difficult to make other characters understand this). I'd started moving in that direction but going more into the story and plans I had here is moot as he's gone.
First char to GM or last more than a week or even greet more than about 5 people. I have another lined up and plan to come back as a lightie but since I'm sure if I tried to redo an elf/Ayamaoan I'd just end up rping the same char, this one will be quite different. As it should be I guess. Playing a paladin was challenging in so many different ways, but for the most part satisfying on equally many levels. I'll miss playing it.
Thanks (and sorry for deleting like a shmuck) to Yuni/Xantium, a Guardian who knows who he is, Baba, Vallyn, and Hanathena. I really am sorry to leave the Guardians short another member.
And last, I guess, a shout-out to the white aura Talons for providing perfect foils for a "real" lightie to get really angry at and solidify his ethical views