Shattered Kingdoms

Where Roleplay and Tactics Collide
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 Post subject: SK Bonanza! June 5, 6, 7
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 12:22 pm 

Joined: Sat May 07, 2005 8:16 am
Posts: 4124
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
SK Character: Achernar
Its time for another Shattered Kingdoms Bonanza! A momentous opportunity for all
to come and enjoy the diverse world offered in our role playing game. During the
weekend of June 5, all characters playing will gain bonus experience and have
accelerated regeneration rates! Please make note of the following scheduled
events taking place on the weekend:

Friday, June 5, 2009 3PM Server (22:00 Fri June 5 GMT)
9 o'clock am, Day of the Moon, Frost Giant 14th, 1052 T.A.
The Barbarian Hero Challenge Opening Ceremony
Another challenge has been laid down by the gods of the realm. Find the most
impressive wild-fighter! They will display their fury for all to see. The
contest begins in the Teronian Arena and will spill forth after food, merriment,
and the spelling out of the challenges before the competing warriors.

Friday, June 5, 2009 7PM Server (02:00 Sat, June 6 GMT)
11 o'clock pm, Day of the Bull, Frost Giant 22nd, 1052 T.A.
Random Partner
The barbarian will have to defend his partner! A battle-based challenge that
will put a barbarian's protective nature to use. Paired with a random partner,
they must fight each other to the death. The twist to this challenge is that the
barbarian may die, but the goal is to keep the partner alive. Double elimination
paired fights will be broadcast from the Empire Coliseum.

Saturday, June 6, 2009 9AM Server (16:00 Sat, June 6 GMT)
11 o'clock pm, Day of Thunder, Old Forces 24th, 1052 T.A.
A Chance at Glory
Wild fighters roll dice to select a partner who will roll to see if they will or
will not aid the fighter. Fighters battle against a deadly beast and will not
know until beginning combat whether or not their teammate will aid. Points are
awarded for defeating the beast, their timing, and the successful use of various
combat skills. Meet outside the Camp of Reyortsed to see who is destined
for glory!

Saturday, June 6, 2009 1PM Server (20:00 Sat, June 6 GMT)
1 o'clock pm, Day of the Great Gods, Grand Struggle 5th, 1052 T.A.
Barbarian Biathlon
Competitors are challenged in two ways with this unique competition. It begins
outside the Laskerian Garden and the Twisted Wood, in Uxmaln Territory. Five
rounds of tracking a prey into the mazes there, each barbarian will try to get
the most steaks. The hunt is on and the one with the most at the end will
be victorious!

Saturday, June 6, 2009 3PM Server (22:00 Sat, June 6 GMT)
7 o'clock pm, Day of Deception, Grand Struggle 9th, 1052 T.A.
Brawl of Madness
Barbarians battle using nothing but what the gods and goddesses of Pyrathia gave
them! Double elimination fights will be broadcast for spectator's safety. This
competition will be held in the Empire's Coliseum.

Saturday, June 6, 2009 5PM Server (Midnight Sat, June 6 GMT)
2 o'clock am, Day of the Moon, Grand Struggle 14th, 1052 T.A.
Everclear Cliffs Climbing
The contest is climbing! Endurance will be tested. A survival match to the end.
With nothing but a few flags, the barbarians must stake each cliff along Lake
Everclear. Gather at the north face for the beginning, see the winner take the
final cliff at the south end.

Saturday, June 6. 2009 9PM Server (04:00 Sun, June 7 GMT)
4 o'clock pm, Day of the Bull, Grand Struggle 22nd, 1052 T.A.
Totemic Creation
Barbarians demonstrate their trophy crafting skills in this challenge.
Spectators will judge the barbarians on their demonstrative abilities in
crafting the most gruesome totems they can.

Sunday, June 7, 2009 7AM Server (14:00 Sun, June 7 GMT)
2 o'clock am, Day of Deception, Spring 16th, 1052 T.A.
Ferocious Warcry
Spectators have the option to judge the barbarians in demonstrations of their
most awe inspiring skill - the barbarian's berserk battle rage. Watch them
get all riled up! This competition will be held in Narloch's Pass, under the
watchful eye of the aged master himself.

Sunday, June 7, 2009 11AM Server (18:00 Sun, June 7 GMT)
4 o'clock pm, Day of Thunder, Spring 24th, 1052 T.A.
Battle of Equals
Barbarians will demonstrate their fighting prowess once again with the Battle of
Equals. In these one on one fights, warriors use identical weapons to best their
opponent. Again, double elimination fights will be broadcast inside the
Empire Coliseum.

Sunday, June 7, 2009 3PM Server (22:00 Sun June 7 GMT)
5 o'clock am, Day of the Great Gods, Nature 5th, 1052 T.A.
The Barbarian Hero Challenge Closing Ceremony
Four months of endurance, fury, and fighting have tested the mettle of
the barbarians who seek the title. See which has the necessary strength to
endure all of Pyrathia's many challenges for them. Inside the Teronian Arena,
gather again to see who was the true Hero of Barbarians!

Every event shall include free food and drink as well as the chance to earn a
commendation from one of the existing Heroes for participating as a judge,
volunteer, or any generally Heroic behavior!

(Note that bonus xp will be temporarily turned off during some of these events.)

Come investigate at the Shattered Kingdoms site and get more information about
the game and to prepare for the coming weekend. Please note that server time is
the same as PDT.

PS. Want to help us advertise the game and get more players? Try printing out
the following flier and distributing it at your local game store or university:

SK Flier

Experience the world "where role play and tactics collide" that players have been discovering for over a decade! We look forward to seeing you there.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 4:39 pm 

Joined: Sat May 07, 2005 8:16 am
Posts: 4124
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
SK Character: Achernar
Just a reminder to everyone. This next weekend is the upcoming Bonanza! Everyone should be ready, considering its been over a month since the last. This one should be a spectacular event. The bonus exp will run all day Friday and later than usual on Sunday because of all the scheduled fun. I'm excited about it and hope you are all ready for the fun.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:16 pm 

Joined: Sat May 07, 2005 8:16 am
Posts: 4124
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
SK Character: Achernar
The Bonanza is underway! :drunk: Everyone emjoy the festivities!

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