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 Post subject: Helping Griffons
PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:02 pm 

Joined: Thu May 14, 2009 4:37 pm
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SK Character: ArchaicSmurf
wristbands are able to be worn by griffins in front, why not also on the back? how about new talon-gripped weapons that can compete with the dozens of (not tanso steel but rather energy and adamantite) weapons held by hand races??

-wing (body) armor that disables the innate flight ability.
-flight goggles (head armor) see: [url][/url]
-unearthing a new section of the griffin isle with shops, trainers, and quests

Note: intentional spelling of griffin firefox tells me "griffon" is incorrect.

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PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:04 pm 

Joined: Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:43 am
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I thought the loss of armor slots was balanced by the extra 'claw' attack and bonus stat points? Which equals rediculously fast leveling.

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PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:30 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 17, 2003 9:55 pm
Posts: 1365
A thousand times no. One of the key things making griffons different is that they don't use equipment well. If I had my way, griffons would only get three slots in addition to their claws. There are other ways to boost griffons.

And while I deeply appreciate attempts to advance griffon culture on SK, fighting with the IC race name isn't going to fly. It's griffon, not griffin or gryphon. Not that there's anything wrong with the other words, but it's completely natural that SK picked one.

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PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 6:14 pm 
Immortal (Inactive)

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I have to agree. I also have to say that I'm not a fan of griffons. But yes; they get an extra attack, they get extra bonus points, and there are already griffon specific inclusions to quests and gear. Griffons will get no love from me.

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PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 6:20 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:18 am
Posts: 149
There is a lot more available to griffons now than there used to be. Especially in the weapon department which used to consist of almost nothing. Talon-gripped weapons haven't always been around and I'd almost rather see less of them than more. Finding decent horseshoes can be a headache, but if you need a weapon for a rare creature of questionable origin there are shops dedicated to them. :roll: It would be nice to see more relating to their culture, but beyond that I think they're fine as they are.

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PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 6:22 pm 

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I'm under the impression that griffons are supposed to be awful. This is made up for by giving them extra stat points, claws, etc. The lack of armor slots means that they will never be great in pvp, but even a moron who doesn't prep can be semi-useful with one. If they're supposed to have the same potential in pvp as other races, then yes, I guess changes should be made.

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PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 6:30 pm 

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Even griffon barbs got shafted by the lowering of max HP trains, so they suck even more.

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PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 6:42 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 17, 2003 9:55 pm
Posts: 1365
Just to clarify a bit, griffons aren't a good choice if you're looking for a character powerful at high levels. The extra attack is worthless unless you're in a particular cabal or the race's worst class. The stat bonus is less than you would get from the equipment you can't use.

But this is in part intentional design. Griffons don't require nearly as much prep-work as other races. If they were as powerful as humans, lazy/busy people like me would never play anything else. And having the race be as common as songbirds would destroy their interesting RP, quite apart from balance issues.

Could griffons use a little tuning? I think so, but the race is good enough that changes require thought. They should enhance the race's otherness, not subtract from it. Aerial manuevers or bonuses would be my first choice. But frankly, SK has bigger concerns right now.

Could griffons use a few good weapons? Sure. I particularly miss a top-notch axe for shamans not in the aforementioned cabal. I've heard griffon scouts have problems too. But Tetra is right that we have more griffon shops and weapons than really make IC sense. In particular, lowbie griffons fight better with claws than with weapons; they really don't need low-quality levelling junk.

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PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:07 pm 

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Forsooth wrote:

Could griffons use a few good weapons? Sure. I particularly miss a top-notch axe for shamans not in the aforementioned cabal. I've heard griffon scouts have problems too. But Tetra is right that we have more griffon shops and weapons than really make IC sense. In particular, lowbie griffons fight better with claws than with weapons; they really don't need low-quality levelling junk.

Some people like to mix it up a bit instead of just always using claws...Plus, reaching weapons...What if the griffon wanted to reach? Claws sure cant reach...A least a reaching weapon or two with good quality would do them nice.

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PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 9:04 pm 

Joined: Wed Feb 18, 2004 9:52 pm
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You know, the only issue I ever had with a griffon was trying to get my hands on a decent weapon with reach or a range weapon, other then that I died a lot, but I never had any gear to really care about. It kinda balanced itself out, since on other characters I'd have to spend tons of time getting a fully enchanted suit and actually worry about holding onto it.

Since second row fighting seems to be the biggest problem give them an innate reach that doesn't allow for them to get more then 2 attacks with their claws, reguardless of what class or organization you belong to. It might sound a little silly, but it would make things a little interesting.

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