Shattered Kingdoms

Where Roleplay and Tactics Collide
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 Post subject: [Cen Pri] [TALON] Emet - Cleric of the Blade.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:10 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:18 pm
Posts: 1704
Description wrote:
Gleaming from head to hooves in a midnight-black sheen, this half-man,
half-horse seems dark enough to actually camouflage with the night. He is
larger than the average centaur, and his meaty forearms are crisscrossed
with cuts and scars. Fully garbed in metal armor and covered in jewels and
charms, this hybrid creature exudes battle-readiness.

Stats wrote:
o [Attributes] Emet - Cleric of the Blade. o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Centaur Class: Priest o
o Age: 31 Sex: Male Size: Large o
o Alignment: Principled Handiness: Left handed Religion: Dulrik o
o STR: Strong INT: Brilliant WIS: Sagacious o
o DEX: Clumsy CON: Hardened CHA: Influential o
o Carrying capacity: 5 items with a maximum weight of 245.0 pounds. o

Score wrote:
Cabal: Talon of the Feathered Dragon (Leader)
Info: Centaur Priest TalonLeader
You have played 446 hour(s) so far.

Regarding Law Code wrote:
After Dulrik's latest bug fixes/code changes, I can finally put Emet to rest knowing that his original intent - catalyzing many needed changes to the law code - has finally succeeded. Order tribunal NPCs to kill is now a crime. Looting from a corpse is now a crime. Reciting offensive scrolls is now a crime. Every class with scrolls has been wimped noticeably. My code-related goal as Emet has been completed.

Emet Overall wrote:
I have really enjoyed played as Emet. When faced with the decision of which of my three characters to play (Zerel, Daedelamon, and Emet) -> I easily decided upon Emet. Not only did I have access to the most cheater item in the entire game (Runed Cloak of the Mists)...I also genuinely enjoyed the roleplay on Emet. I have always advocated for hard-ass lighties who aren't easily deceived or easily tricked. I have longed for the old days of players like Summ/Halcidan/Thalis within the Hammer, days that are looked back fondly by the rest of the mud but were derided at the time as 'the worst Hammer roleplay in history', and 'disgusting and more like adept roleplay than hammer roleplay'. I was considered a newbie at the time of the huge controversy taking place over the extremely aggressive lighties in the Hammer, and I hated how they would pk me shortly after deducing that I was their enemy...but I appreciated that they weren't playing empty, idiotic light auras that one always sees.

My cheesiness in picking the name Emet (hebrew for 'Truth') and for making a character that was jet-black and originally quoted Obama nearly every sentence was...lame, yeah. When I started out as Obama-Emet, though, I was astounded by how rude Lighties treated each other. I transformed Emet over time from a young, excited, and friendly character to one that - although he would help any Lighty and would legitimately help them level or learn - would be excessively strict, rude, and harsh. A lot of players think that my attitude itself was too mean or unfair to qualify me as a light aura character, let alone the principled character that Emet was -> but I completely disagree. I loved roleplaying a hard-ass so soon after Olian and Hadaro.

I didn't do much exploring or tactical learning as Emet, mostly because as Olian I had been able to explore nearly the entire mud. Leading groups into Radi Kenga, the ToM, the wastelands, etc. was a fun experience though. I had never really done any of that beyond when I had been solo before, so interacting with other players was a blast.

The hero tournament as Emet was probably the most fulfilling part of the character for me. I was yelled at by my suitemates at college for being a loser all weekend and only smoking with my laptop on my lap and refusing to drink while I got that hero amulet for myself, but I had an absolute blast. Working against an entire mud that "hated" me IC and OOC really made me work to win. Although many players have OOCly joked to me that the number of player who hated me IC and OOC was outrageous at the start of Emet, there seems to have been a transformation after I stuck with the character, where I get contacted and defended a lot more now.

Emet had two close friendships, both to players that OOCly I did not know the identity of -> Aldric and Methias. After hours upon hours of roleplay with these two, I eventually asked for their im/ym and discovered that Aldric was someone I actually knew IRL (Dylan's younger brother Paul, for all those from Newton MA), and Methias was played by Zavier, a character who I had an amazingly fulfilling interaction with as my character Dendrum, who led the 'Combined Guilds of Teron' alongside him. Forming in-game, extremely close friendships with other characters is one of my favorite parts of SK. The interactions with these two characters really helped to transform Emet from the fun-loving, young priest he was originally into the hardass tool that he ended up being in the end.

Crucible Crusade wrote:
A number of players believe that I took it too far with my crusade upon the Crucible, but my main defense is that it is extremely difficult for a veteran player of SK who really enjoys the tactical side of the game to...have any fun at all when there is no competition. I brought out the Crucible from obscurity because I desperately wanted to have someone to spice up the game. They can feel free to blame me for ruining their introduction to the mud if they wish, but I don't have many regrets regarding this. It would take me another page to argue about claims that I was somehow OOC in my approach towards the Crucible, but I stand by my views that ICly it was perfectly reasonable to act as I did.

My Future with SK wrote:
I have deleted Emet and Zerel now, and I am considering doing the same with Daedelamon, although I enjoy having a character to go back to in need. I likely won't stay away for that long, and my most likely characters include
1) hammer human barb (daedelamon)
2) darkie sprite rogue
3) deep-elf necro

I think that no matter what I pick, I will be going a route that takes me out of the pvp circle for some time to come. Emet had only one death in pvp in hundreds of pks, and I think he was successful overall as a pvp character. I had to form his history along the way, and I think on future characters I will put in the few hours of extra work at the beginning to fully form my character before I start playing.

> delete
Type delete again to confirm this command.
WARNING: this command is irreversible.
Typing delete with an argument will undo delete status.

[HP: 98%] [ME: 89%] [PE: 64%]
> delete
You disband the group.
Alas, all good things must come to an end.

Seeya soon!

Last edited by Gilgon on Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:22 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 4:44 am
Posts: 264
A number of players believe that I took it too far with my crusade upon the Crucible, but my main defense is that it is extremely difficult for a veteran player of SK who really enjoys the tactical side of the game to...have any fun at all when there is no competition. I brought out the Crucible from obscurity because I desperately wanted to have someone to spice up the game. They can feel free to blame me for ruining their introduction to the mud if they wish, but I don't have many regrets regarding this. It would take me another page to argue about claims that I was somehow OOC in my approach towards the Crucible, but I stand by my views that ICly it was perfectly reasonable to act as I did.

Just to clear things up for you, Gilgon. Going "visible" IC had nothing to do with you posting logs on other forums or gaining inside info through one of your irl friends. I had announced from the very start that we'd be more "out in the open" when our HQ was finished and we received our full skillset. As promised, that's what occured.

Let's leave it at that, before I'm forced to disclose more about how exactly you knew anything at all about our ongoings.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:34 am 

Joined: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:50 pm
Posts: 3502
Location: Canada
SK Character: Karsh
You [REDACTED] me off for one simple reason:

Rational argument for change falls on deaf ears and gets ignored, but some jackass with a superiority complex creates a character to abuse the hell out of something and gets almost immediate change.

WTG rewarding the wrong kind of behavior Dulrik. I hope you don't have children.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:24 am 

Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:21 pm
Posts: 2506
Location: The yellow brick road
SK Character: Bran
Emet was Great.

Always helpful to my characters.

GL with future chars and I hope you stay or come back soon if you decide to delete dae


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:03 am 

Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2003 7:26 am
Posts: 1908
Location: Under my covers... sleeping
There goes a wasted priest hero flag...


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:04 am 

Joined: Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:43 am
Posts: 2323
SK Character: Airkli
You are an infection to SK. Leaving scars of your characters everywhere in the game. You should be sitebanned, not MrP.

In the future I hope you can get off by other means.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:09 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:42 pm
Posts: 944
Agreed with sleeper. Why bother striving for a hero flag when you planned on deleting when your goal was accomplished? Imo save the hero flags for real heroes who are more deserving and plan on playing the game without ulterior motives.

That being said, i'll move onto what I thought of Emet. While at times I thought he was incredibly tyrannical and paranoid, he often times seemed more like a darkie in some aspects to me than a lightie. Mainly his absolute "my law is word" type deal. He was like an iron fisted tyrant. "Get outta my city or die." etc. Not something a lightie would throw around so easily. The fact he even got paranoid at other lighties who either tried to follow him to talk OR simply met in coincidence, yeah he seemed really anal, like he had a stick stuck up there 24/7.

All in all, even though it doesn't fit the standard mold for a lightie, he was an alright character. Although harsh, he was fair, for the most part, to my necro which was really surprising considering some of the ways I had seen him treat other people.

My advice: Stop playing to change the game and just play a character to have fun. Your characters will be much fuller and less aggravating to others.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:15 am 

Joined: Sat May 07, 2005 8:16 am
Posts: 4124
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
SK Character: Achernar
Emet helped me to make some nifty changes to the Hero Contests. I thank him for that. A type of player who does things to point out problems isn't ever going to be popular. However, he's caused the game to change drastically in the time of his character's life. He's helped me suggest ideas that I believe will improve the mud for everybody. I also hate that he causes such drama, but that comes with the territory. Overall, I'm thankful he played Emet, but I'm glad its over.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:37 am 

Joined: Thu Sep 02, 2004 7:36 am
Posts: 1471
Achernar: Are you kidding me? There is huge difference between pointing something out and abusing the hell out of something. Emet did the ladder.

I didnt care for the nazi lighty approach but at the same time he gets the imms and D to look at things that need to me looked it. So for that I have to praise him, but I just dont agree with how he has to do it.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:44 am 

Joined: Sun Mar 03, 2002 7:15 pm
Posts: 1086
Location: Pyrathia
Dispit the IC tensions between our characters, I liked Emet OOC on some levels. I always felt that the way Drasaij handled you, sent a ripple effect through the whole faith and caused much of the tension between our characters. Yuni was absolutely loyal to Drasaij and would do anything he told him, save one thing and Drasaij really didn't like you at all.

On one OOC level though, I agree with OA. Your approach to using IC tactics to get things done OOC offended most people and drove some people away from the mud. Right or wrong, that is what ended up happening and it caused many people to become jaded with you IC and OOC.

I wish you luck on your next character.

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