I've never implied that a "rampage" was occurring.
Enishi wrote:
Furthermore the argument that "you don't see swashes flooding the game and ruining PK!" is another silly one. We have like 30 people on at a time and like 5 minor battles a week, maybe if we had 100-200 players we would be able to "observe trends" as being evidence of anything. As it stands, silly things that should be changed can exist in the game regardless of how many people are doing them. Gilgon regularly makes himself into the sole abuser of various inadequacies in the game, however that doesn't mean those things shouldn't be changed.
Enishi wrote:
I guess all I'm trying to say is this: the class needs work, as many will agree here, but I think taunt isn't "the answer." It's just what exists right now. All of these arguments that rely on swashes being a gimp class to justify taunt are focusing on the wrong thing. Swashes need something, but taunt, as a skill by itself existing in the mechanics of this game, is [REMOVED]. Swashbucklers could be a class that hits once a round with canes and has the hp pool of a sorc. It doesn't justify the introduction of a skill of this nature to any class, nor does it make an otherwise boring and arguably sub-par class anything but a still-boring one-trick tool. Don't just change taunt into something less, change swashbucklers. Make them into something more.
If there is anything unifying or agreed upon in this long [REDACTED] debate, it's the crappiness of swashbucklers as an interesting and powerful class.
It is -far and away- the most "guaranteed" method of killing anybody in the game right now.
Make them more special. Give them something REAL that actually provides them a unique character to the class rather than a singular skill that breaks the dynamic of PK which has existed for like 10 years. If you'd like to brainstorm just what those skills might be, we can do that in another thread.... I'd be more than happy to.