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 Post subject: Feanor of the North.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:08 am 

Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 8:29 pm
Posts: 616
Location: 25^N, 18^W
Well he's gone. He was supposed to be gone months ago but I wanted to finish a series of rps that had to do with the shrine and the character's end and not delete suddenly. I have mixed feelings about Feanor. I had a really hard time playing him in the beginning and especially the years when he was still living in Ayamao. Mostly because it's not my style to play darkies. Aelraen's logic was easier for me, while for Feanor I was trying every moment to think what a man like him would do. But because deleting characters is not my style either I kept him and tried to have fun and do my best.
I joined a religion for the first time. I was in a faction with many members for the first time. I had lots of support for the first time. And most of all I was close to really good players who would create opportunities for rp. Many many thanks to:

Yotbol for spending so much time not only for my character but for everyone in the tribunal who had his need.

Lirimaer who brought Feanor to life while I was still playing Aelraen.

Benjamin who created many rp opportunities for my character, some of them without him knowing it.

Aliquada who accepted the Ayamaoan in the north and taught him that those who wait for an order to take action are a failure.

Asraya for all the secret rp we had for the shrine. Asraya had withdrown the elven scouts and paladins from eastern Ayamao while I was keeping it secret from the Hand and paying her for any damages that Yotbol and Gnar were causing to the guardians' account. It was fun.

Also to Hotep, Strai and Treno, Aneira, Sephini. It's been so fun playing with you. And finally all the rest of the hand and the religion and others who made it fun like Aliari (I really enjoyed the last meeting and the talk in the inn), Borviir, Korgath, Xertic, Cerillius, Xorvithien, Ravenne and anyone who helped Feanor because I know for sure that almost none ever got an ic thanks. Tata, I hope you hated him. :D

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:21 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2006 7:47 pm
Posts: 3776
Location: Virginia
SK Character: Amorette
I -may- have seen this character on one or two occasions, but I -heard- nothing but good things,especially your final RP with Ezeant. Keep good characters coming.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:22 am 

Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 8:29 pm
Posts: 616
Location: 25^N, 18^W
Feanor of the North, Ke-han of the Black Hand - the Star's Voice.

Feanor was the first-born of Aelraen Softstone and Lirimaer Elda. He was born in Ayamao during a period that was not easy for the land due to many battles that were taking place in the forest especially against the empire and their allies. However his parents were doing a good job keeping him and all the other kids safe while playing in the tree. And it was those games that brought Feanor a strange feeling for the first time. While he was happy playing with his friends he used to see the strange looks of his friends' mothers before calling their kids home, every time that Feanor was with them. In the end Feanor had no friends. So he started playing alone with swords trying to imitate his father.

Lirimaer who was worrying for the battles that were becoming more frequent asked Aelraen to take the child to another city (I think it was Exile). Aelraen never accepted his kid to be treated in a better way than the rest kids of Ayamao and he denied. But after a while he was convinced to let them move to Grahme with Aelraen's close elite champion watching them. So it happened and the two moved there. Feanor didn't mind in the beginning. He lost no friends after all and what he did was keeping on playing with his wooden swords. When one day he noticed the look of the alshainite champion. A not very welcoming look from someone who was watching him all day. A look that was like the one that the mothers of his friends had only colder and with no fear.

And the strange feeling he had for the first time in Sith'a'niel was visiting him more and more frequently. And it was the same feeling that was making Feanor to practice more and hit and slice harder anything he could. From small trees to practice dummies. On top of it when his father was coming to see his son he was trying to teach him how to use a pair of claws despite Feanor's talent on the swords. And in a way that was quite soft and normal for a barbarian hero but rather harsh for the young boy. The claw marks on his face was the icing on the cake. Feanor starting blaming everyone. Hate had been slowly possesing him. He was blaming the imperials for being the cause of him being "prisoned" in the village, his mother for not doing anything, his father for almost everything, the elite champion with the look that made Feanor in his hate to be waiting a scream about purification in the middle of the night, the hoofs of the centaurs every morning, their smell and many more.Feanor left the village. He was now 20 years old.

However he stayed in Ayamao for almost a decade. He focused on perfecting his skills while in the mean time he was enjoying staring at the elite champions for hours. The years passed and it was time for the half-elf to find a new home. He would return one day experienced enough to harm Ayamao.

He didn't know where he should go. So he started travelling from land to land. He spent many months in various cities apart from the imperial ones. In the end he reached Moraksdal. Feanor felt strange when the citizens and guards there treated him as they would treat anyone. There were no weird looks, only orders and disrespect but plenty for all not just him. After some time he meets Aliquada and having nothing to be afraid from weaker guards and citizens he asks her to move there.

Feanor had been living in th North for more than a decade when he asked Aliquada to join the Council. Aliquada not only accepted the ayamaoan but taught him what Feanor would follow till the end, that those who wait for an order to take action are a failure. Yet he always remained loyal to her even when incidents brought him against the rest of the Council and the church of war.

Aliquada after a few years passed away but the CoN was getting stronger while Feanor was getting key positions in its hierarchy. Under the leadership of Benjamin, Aneira, Cerrilius and Yotbol and with Feanor leading the Blackguard, the North became the strongest kingdom of the realms. Many warriors from all lands were coming to join the Blackguard. But Feanor's mind was occupied now with other thoughts. Having killed almost all the enemy leaders that Feanor could sense, he focused on what his main goal was since he left home. To harm Ayamao only this time not only by killing its leaders but bringing the Hate to the heart ofit. Seeking the records of his church he found out about some discussions of his father with Abhava and Aliquada, that had took place before even he was born about a shrine of Dabi in Ayamao. In the beginning Feanor brought the issue to Lirimaer only to receive a big no. The years were passing an the council was in the peak of its power. The next leader was chieftain Strai. Thanks to Benjamin who had left the Druid and Guardian diplomacy to Feanor, the latter got really close this time, agreeing for the spot with the sprite but having the sprite die a couple of years after that and Lirimaer denying that there was an agreement ever. And while the Council was ready to invade Ayamao for good Asraya gets in charge of the ayamaoan forces and calls Feanor for negotiations. It was the best chance for him to bring the hate into Ayamao by making the elves hate and fight their own leader. The two of them agree on everything. But in the meanwhile other problems arise which made things quite complicated.

The shrine was completed with Feanor trying to gather for the following years all the things that were needed for the ritual to make the shrine indestructible (or almost indestructible, more info ic :P). However the number of battles he had given since he left Ayamao along with his age, various incidents that took place and mostly troubling thoughts about his faith made him feel tired and weary. Tired not only to fight but even to hate. After a while Feanor was even tired to hate himself, hoping that with the ritual, the Star would grant him more power but most of all She would clear any thoughts he had about following the wrong path. The ritual took place. Feanor aligned his symbol with the brightest star on the sky and the shrine and the ray from the star penetrated both him and the symbol. It was not for long but enough for Feanor to see the real destruction and the hate of all the races that walk Pyrathia. The half-elf not only didn't gain any strength from it but one could say that he started aging faster, hardly able to see after a few months.

For the rest of his life he never killed anyone nor invested the ones who looked for him and the church. He sought his mother to ask for forgiveness. Forgiveness that would bring him something that he never had, a single moment of inner peace before dying and letting the Star's demons torture his soul for his treachery. After waiting for years to sense his mother Feanor lost any strength and hope he still had and
took his own life with the Star's blade.

Last edited by -Johnix- on Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:23 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2006 7:47 pm
Posts: 3776
Location: Virginia
SK Character: Amorette
Sorry for breaking up your death posts :(

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 7:37 am 

Joined: Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:28 am
Posts: 1538
I loved Feanor. Aneira loved Feanor. He was a wonderfully thought out character and I wish I had time to be around when he was leading the Hand. I definitely didn't show that you were having a difficult time with darkie RP. I remember the first time Aneira and Feanor met, Aneira was summon killing sprites in the upstairs area of the inn in Krychire. Here comes this half-elf, with a pegasus, speaking in Ayamaon. Aneira (and I) thought for sure she was going to be killed! Thanks for all the wonderful times. Can't wait to see what you roll next.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:10 am 

Joined: Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:21 pm
Posts: 689
Location: Savannah, GA
SK Character: Aise
Impressive character.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:26 am 

Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:58 pm
Posts: 946
Location: Tennessee
I freaking loved Feanor he was a machine RP and PK wise.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:30 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 12:08 pm
Posts: 1357
Location: Through The Void
SK Character: Vivitnir
I liked his rp, too bad I didnt get to see much of you from an ally or nuetral point of view.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:56 am 

Joined: Thu May 29, 2008 11:59 am
Posts: 361
Location: Pyrathia
Awesome, awesome character. Props

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:45 am 

Joined: Sun Mar 03, 2002 7:15 pm
Posts: 1086
Location: Pyrathia
I saw Faenor with an alt of mine and always wanted to run into him with my main but never got the chance.

Good show!

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