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 Post subject: Re: !!!
PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:23 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 04, 2002 10:42 am
Posts: 1053
Snuffles wrote:
evilpiggies666 wrote:
alvarro wrote:
Oh and Aquianis. I wonder why noone ever mentions him ic'ly or ooc'ly.

He's also a NPC in Nerina, unless he was removed recently?

Still there. Best pally trainer!

Oh yea.. true, sorry.
I guess my memory got blinded by having Lorias mentioned everywhere else :p

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 11:51 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:06 pm
Posts: 315
Fayne > Aquianis

yet there is no Fayne NPC.....

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 4:52 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 656
SK Character: Salak
Achernar wrote:
I thought who lists that old would always be over 100.[/sarcasm]

It isn't 100 people, but it's pretty damn close:


[15 HEl Swa] [None] Theodrin the young Imperial citizen.
[29 Elf Sor] [None] Stryfore Darkice - Weaver of Senescence
[ 1 Dwa Brb] [None] Grym
[17 Dwa Brb] [None] Dukot the wandering fool.
[ 1 Spr Swa] [None] Heine the clueless newbie
[13 HEl Rog] [None] Tenshi a mysterious Rogue
[10 Gno Mer] [None] Equzte The SUPER-GNOMISH Gladiator!!!!!!!
[ 1 Dwa Brb] [None] Galefin
[ 1 Dwa Pri] [None] Grimbeld the clueless newbie
[33 Hum Mer] [None] Sylvia Sil'Keril, Withering
[17 Hum Swa] [None] Akitasha
[21 DEl Nec] [None] Zlokarnik the young
[18 Elf Mer] [None] Minaka, Scepter of Anamnesis
[50 DEl Hel] [None] Chacorin Knight Captain of Ch'zzrym
[38 HEl Sha] [None] Kafriel.
[ 2 Hum Rog] [None] Mudan.
[27 Spr Swa] [None] Gasar, Bladedancer of the Light.
[ 6 Spr Sor] [None] Kloie Sun, SunDancing Wicca
[25 Hal Pri] [None] Ghutri Draughun, Parson of Goddess Thuban.
[25 Spr Swa] [None] Zarikan Swashbuckler of Exile, LOVER OF ALL BEERS!
[40 Elf War] [None] Thelveres Darkbane, Wielder of the Elements, Seeking Courage and Rebirth
[33 Spr Swa] [None] Klirmj, Little Warrior.
[33 Hum Sha] [None] Cyrak WyndReaver: LoreMaster of Clan Sordjel.
[27 HEl Swa] [None] Ashnar, Slurring master, Lifes a Party and Death has No beer!!!
[27 Elf Sor] [None] Aleighas : Seeking the guiding path of the arts.
[ 9 Hal Nec] [None] Diafnar Sacramundi, Young Scholar
[16 Elf Pri] [None] Akito Silverleaf.
[30 HEl Mer] [None] Nabanai.
[13 Spr Rog] [None] Berolas Riversong, Dusk Dancer
[57 Hum GOD] [ADEPT] Thuban, Quintessence of Lies
[ 1 Dwa Mer] [None] Taeshi the clueless newbie
[54 Hum GOD] [ADEPT] Algorab -- Prevailer of Nightmares --
[ 1 Gri War] [None] Zephyr the clueless newbie
[28 Gno Pri] [None] Cledwyn Khadzhi - Preacher of the ways of Lord Truth
[53 Hum GOD] [None] Ashmyr.
[39 HEl Sco] [None] Sattarh Boh. Freicdadan a cruthachadh.
[26 Hum Mer] [None] Renda, Indentured to Alshain
[ 9 Gri Sor] [None] Tarvon.
[ 1 Gno Pri] [None] Valan the clueless newbie
[35 HEl Pri] [None] Avroamm Maygardt, Preacher. freicdadan a feodhaich.
[22 Gno War] [None] Shaldomar.
[ 1 Elf Mer] [None] Rallas the clueless newbie
[45 Elf Sor] [None] Imri Lucius: Adducere ab Lux Enchanter of Exile
[21 Hum War] [None] Raxul Nath'Ralizar, Dark Elementalist of The City Of Chaos
[50 Cen Sha] [MIDNIGHT] Loqui Rev'ero. Arbiter of the Empire, Emissary of Jade.
[ 1 Hal Rog] [None] Shoken the clueless newbie
[ 6 HEl Sco] [None] Jermethius humble scout
[17 Cen Sco] [None] Trebla Maximus,Studying scout,Seeking to be a Knight of Selkwood
[50 Cen Sha] [None] Lithosis Speaker Of The Federation
[30 Cen Pri] [None] Litor , Judicator of the Scale
[34 Dwa Mer] [None] Tharick Stonespliter: Weaponmaster of Clan Sordjel.
[25 Elf Sor] [None] Ankara -*- Mage of Lady Aludra -*-
[ 4 Gri War] [None] Nyxali Silverwing, daughter of the Elements
[50 Hum Pal] [HAMMER] Exeter Corodran, Noble of Taslamar, Knight of Truth.
[14 Gno War] [None] Durden the clueless newbie
[38 Cen Sha] [KNIGHTS] Ivannaha Moon, Desapva Speaker, Knight of Selkwood
[ 6 Gno Sha] [None] Devaprak.
[41 HEl Swa] [None] Marrl Dewwalker, Quiet and Quick
[48 Spr Swa] [HARLEQUIN] Tryx Tinnel - Sheep in Sprite clothing
[ 1 Spr Sha] [None] Valkayen the clueless newbie
[ 9 HEl Rog] [None] Jaid Sword-Maiden of the Night
[49 Elf Sco] [None] Danalli K'Vel
[11 Gno Pri] [None] Kerzon : Aspiring priest of the Cycle.
[54 Hum GOD] [DRUID] Nashira, Ancient Spirit of the Woods.
[45 PAR Hel] [MIDNIGHT] Ingefreith Von Ernstmund - The Eye of Sargas. Warden of Seawatch.
[41 DEl Sco] [None] Gharayi Zha'linth, Hunter of Ch'zzrym
[34 DEl War] [None] Azerim Nar'Zuul
[22 Gri Brb] [None] Dylyn Rr'ch, Dark hunter, Light bringer, Essense of Fear
[33 Spr Sco] [None] Lyndram Snarling biter of ankles!
[41 DEl Swa] [None] Slade of house Nar'Zuul, Apprentice to Priest Ignatas
[45 Elf Pri] [None] Riley Farrel, High Vicar of the White Flame
[35 Hum Swa] [None] Drenalus Fenrir, wanderer.
[10 Gia Sco] [None] Erin Giantess of Sith-a-niel
[31 Gri Brb] [None] Alkavrettek.
[36 Gri Brb] [HAMMER] Tultash Blackwing, Warrior of Light
[ 1 Hum Rog] [None] Marleena the clueless newbie
[44 Dwa Brb] [None] Ardnok Stonespliter: Warlord of Clan Sordjel.
[38 Hal Pri] [HARLEQUIN] Vinai -Preacher of Chaos * Harbinger of Insanity-
[46 Hum Pal] [None] Gavin Nield, Knight of Courage
[35 Hum Brb] [None] Naumos.
[50 Hum Rog] [None] Verkar Bazilith, Blade of Uxmal's Fury
[31 Dwa Sco] [None] Henrik Stonespliter: Huntsman of Clan Sordjel.
[39 Elf Sor] [HAMMER] Dralan Quikmag, ArchWhite Mage of Purity
[43 Elf Sor] [KEEPERS] Isolde Nel'Amarth, Weaver of Death, Taslamaran Advisor.
[17 Hum Pri] [None] Daghda Lumar
[41 Hum Hel] [None] Aresius Zanariet, Templar of Suffering
[47 Gno Pri] [None] Vynq Quae Siamplee, Healer of Love, Husband of Amirlee
[50 DEl Sor] [None] Aunrael Zha'linth, Dark Nymph of the Deep, Enthroned Matron.
[42 Dwa Pri] [MIDNIGHT] Galida Favored Priestess of the Eye
[13 Gno Sor] [None] Thandor Darkthorn
[27 DEl Rog] [None] Zell the Dark Wanderer

Players found: 91

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:03 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 656
SK Character: Salak
Oooh, found a bigger one!

[49 Elf Sco] [KNIGHTS] Gorom, Knight of Selkwood.
[50 HEl Swa] [None] Rawjer Sehnojh, Imperial Regulator.
[40 Dwa Mer] [HAMMER] Rykan Verisus: Watchman of the Silver Dragon
[ 1 Hum Pal] [None] Xion the clueless newbie
[15 HEl Swa] [None] Ivina Cothwin.
[12 Hum Pri] [None] Triton Seeking the path of Fear
[ 2 HEl Rog] [None] Talliker.
[47 Gia Brb] [COUNCIL] Loric Chieftain of The Northern Guard
[41 Hum Swa] [None] Xayamith Rodese, Solitare Swordsman.
[30 HEl Rog] [None] Tenshi Ryu, Quae Sister.
[ 8 HEl Sco] [None] Gretchen Boose Vistoe
[ 1 Hum Pal] [None] Thood the clueless newbie
[35 Spr Sha] [None] Edij The Spirit Sprite
[50 Hum Brb] [MIDNIGHT] Naumos.
[35 Spr Rog] [None] Daia Marquistra, Marionette of Chaos
[60 Hum IMP] [None] Dulrik the Blade of Truth
[21 HEl Mer] [None] Dalren Corseth the Humble Mercenary
[30 HEl Swa] [None] Kanin Silvermoon, Pondering Fate. . .
[41 Hum Mer] [None] Yuenzhong - Traveller of the Four Seas
[ 4 Spr Sha] [None] Nolihero the clueless newbie
[47 Elf Sor] [None] Dralan Quikmag, ArchWhite Mage of Purity
[37 Dwa Brb] [None] Barlin.
[ 2 Dwa Brb] [None] Ostoher!
[42 Gia Brb] [None] Arcavian Serast. Clan Rancore. Bastard King
[36 Cen Sco] [None] Trebla Maximus, Ranger of the Light and Selkwood
[41 HEl Swa] [MIDNIGHT] Valthanos - Imperial Swordsman.
[ 1 Gno Rog] [None] Dorgal the clueless newbie
[54 Hum GOD] [DRUID] Nashira, Ancient Spirit of the Woods.
[38 Hum Mer] [None] Lasel.
[47 Hum Brb] [MIDNIGHT] Telusa Yorwick, Imperial Juratus.
[50 Hum Swa] [HARLEQUIN] Akitasha Tahk: Artisan of Clan Sordjel.
[ 6 HEl Swa] [None] Viktor the rookie adventurer
[ 2 Gri Pri] [None] Tetin Jjiano's friend and mount
[35 Hum Pal] [None] Ianous Rein,Flaming Hunter of the Dead.
[ 7 Spr Swa] [None] Xargins is on a QUEST
[33 Hum War] [None] Ilnoreth, Flight of the Raven.
[26 HEl Swa] [None] Kyarra Aduhyanda
[14 Hum Sor] [None] Sanox young Mage of Chaos and Mischief
[49 Elf Pri] [None] Riley Farrel, High Vicar of the White Flame
[35 Hum Mer] [None] Sylvia Sil'Keril, Mercenary, Quae Sister
[13 HEl Sor] [None] Alviri Devi, Student
[22 Hum Hel] [None] Mariel Seeker wishing to join the faith of Yenko.
[50 PAR Rog] [HARLEQUIN] Eliro Boose: Deep-Halfling Fox
[39 Elf Mer] [None] Kirsenvar Ryu, Awaiting The Tempest.
[29 DEl Nec] [None] Syral Vlosinsrigg
[36 Elf Sor] [None] Ankara Quikmag <-)*(-> Mage of Lady Aludra <-)*(->
[16 Hum Pri] [None] Zammora Varga.
[ 6 DEl Nec] [None] Xzaar the clueless newbie
[ 1 DEl Sor] [None] Cleantha
[44 Elf Pri] [HAMMER] Tukahl, priest of the Blade of Truth.
[ 2 Hum Mer] [None] Jjiano the clueless newbie
[42 Hum Hel] [None] Oriseth Von Daraden, Squire of War to Sir Ibeskus
[41 Hum Hel] [None] Ibeskus Elenthus, Son of Seawatch, the Eye of Sargas
[33 Hum Rog] [None] Jebruhi.
[ 1 DEl Sor] [None] Alaric the clueless newbie
[48 DEl Swa] [None] Slade of house Nar'Zuul, Reaper of Death
[17 Gno Sor] [None] Gamoth Gald the Zhensh Mage
[57 Hum GOD] [ADEPT] Thuban, Quintessence of Lies
[27 Hal Nec] [None] Nickolai Markarov
[ 1 Spr Sor] [None] Onar the clueless newbie
[37 HEl Sco] [None] Krauss Bliter. Hunter and peddler of simple herbs.
[37 Hum War] [None] Raxul Nath'Ralzar Elementalist seeking Khore
[13 Hum Sha] [None] Vinette Quae, Green*Lady, Alone in the World
[36 Elf Pal] [None] Lasmythir Sylrenius - Squire of Selkwood.
[25 Elf Pal] [None] Tuvo Redstar The wondering Paladin
[12 Elf Sor] [None] Nekrami - Wandering Spell-Caster, Defender of all
[48 DEl Rog] [None] Aiden Zha'linth, Barra Velg'larn
[48 HEl Sco] [DRUID] Sattarh Boh. Freiceadan a Cruthachadh.
[40 Hum Pal] [None] Norjondar Pauper-Knight of Rebirth.
[50 PAR Sco] [DRUID] Zinnya - Ranger. Mother's Blessed.
[43 Cen War] [None] Inosuke.
[31 Spr Sor] [None] Aeryn, sprite of the SWARM
[50 DEl Sor] [MIDNIGHT] Seyanos Oloth : Imperial Advisor - Advocate of War.
[28 DEl Nec] [None] Madesta the Black Daughter of Terror.
[ 2 Spr Swa] [None] Balien Swarmin'Kin, Son Of Alaxander, Of The SWARM!, Seeker of Fate.
[42 HEl Rog] [MIDNIGHT] Chevan.
[13 Cen Sco] [None] Tylam the Initiate
[43 Cen Pri] [DRUID] Pyara, Parasite Hunter, Servant of the Elements
[23 Spr Swa] [None] Struan Dunross, Blade-Dancer of the SWARM
[47 Hum Rog] [COUNCIL] Voryn Zynith
[50 Cen Pri] [MIDNIGHT] Ignatas Lojt - Ayatollah of Achernar - Historian
[50 PAR Swa] [KNIGHTS] Vaknafein Bladeleaf, Knight Marshal of Selkwood.
[31 HEl War] [None] Uyzella
[ 4 HEl Swa] [None] Ayashi the clueless newbie
[29 Hum Hel] [None] Corvus de Gahl. -=- Knight of the Raven.
[11 HEl Mer] [None] Kylmair Creighmore
[26 HEl Hel] [None] Koketsu Torrea.
[50 HEl War] [MIDNIGHT] Eisenloch - The Harbinger of Darkness
[49 HEl Pri] [DRUID] Avroamm Maygardt, High Preacher. Freiceadan a Feodhaich
[49 Cen Mer] [HAMMER] Allender MacLeod - Virtuous Warrior of the Silver Dragon
[28 Hum Swa] [None] Xyzar,Young Swordsman
[ 6 Spr Swa] [None] Tage of the Swarm
[21 HEl Pri] [None] Cooper Zelevastre, Healer of Lady Aludra, SWARM friend
[50 Hum Rog] [None] Memnon Tahk: Bountyhunter of Clan Sordjel.
[46 HEl Swa] [DRUID] Marrl Dewwalker, Freiceadan a Anam

Players found: 95

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:19 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 28, 2003 10:52 am
Posts: 1273
Location: Dark side of the moon
Salak wrote:
[21 HEl Mer] [None] Dalren Corseth the Humble Mercenary

My first char!!! You rule! :D

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:07 am 
Mortal Contributor

Joined: Fri Oct 10, 2003 7:41 am
Posts: 1979
Location: Canada
I'm really enjoying these old who lists. Keep 'em comin' please. :D

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:55 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 10, 2003 9:11 am
Posts: 905
Location: Germany
Oh, man. Those were the days. I still remember Tsalyn's PK on this character. Even if it was shady. :p

[43 Elf Sor] [KEEPERS] Isolde Nel'Amarth, Weaver of Death, Taslamaran Advisor.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:29 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 656
SK Character: Salak
Lolth wrote:
Oh, man. Those were the days. I still remember Tsalyn's PK on this character. Even if it was shady. :p

[43 Elf Sor] [KEEPERS] Isolde Nel'Amarth, Weaver of Death, Taslamaran Advisor.

Fun times!

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:43 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 30, 2004 8:48 pm
Posts: 1608
Location: My heart's in <strike>Iraq</strike> Texas with my newly re-enlisted 'som' 'soq' daughter
SK Character: Galida Apelila Shaloush Mayumi
[42 Dwa Pri] [MIDNIGHT] Galida Favored Priestess of the Eye

Yeah!! The fun I had at others' expense with that char!!![/quote]

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:11 pm 
Finally, a who list I am actually on.

In case any of you were wondering what happened to make the playerbase drop from 100 - it went straight from 100 at peak to 60 at peak when a change was introduced that made the recall ability cost up to around 3 levels of experience per shot.

(In spite of my protest at the time, might I add. I believe the reason stated at the time was 'now that we have more than 100 players we can afford to lose some disgruntled older players in favor of newbies who will stick around'. Oops!)

IMHO the mud never really recovered from that.

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