A very OOC character, who had very little sensible character concept that I could tell, unless he was diabolic. One day he'd be threatening to kill me repeatedly, the next he'd be leaving me alone or welcoming my help and acting innocent.
Our very first meeting, you attacked someone in Nerina, then reported me when I rescued him and attacked you. As we both sat in jail, you waited for 10 hours of our 12 hour-sentence to wear off, then killed me via a bug allowing you to backstab in prisons, effectively j-looting me and also forcing me to spend another 12 hours in prison when I was returned to life.
Afterwards when I reported you for my murder, you flipped out and then start complaining to me OOCly that you'd already been screwed by "bugs" in the game earlier, and when I called you out on the bug YOU abused to kill me in jail, you told me to "[REDACTED] off."
You should be glad I played a lightie who didn't know you very well, or I would have gladly been one of the people who helped PK you into the dirt. If you want to act like a badass who can do anything he wants, you had better be ready to accept the consequences. That said, good riddance for this character, I disliked him IC, but hated him OOC.