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 Post subject: [PAR Pri] [FIST] Elriorith, Elven Highbrow, Voice of Dawn
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:22 am 
Mortal Contributor

Joined: Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:02 am
Posts: 1585
Location: Over the hills and far away.
SK Character: Elriorith/Enfaustina/Nimolthar
[PAR Pri] [FIST] Elriorith, Departed Spirit, Dusk

The elder elven woman's heritage is clear upon first glance.  Her high
cheek-bones and her frail jaw line, along with her thin nose and slim chin,
make her face stand out as a proud elven one.  Her eyes, somewhat wrinkled,
twin well-shaped sockets that host a pair of topaz gems.  Her crimson arched
eyebrows complete the picture of a woman, determined and stern by her looks.
Her crimson hair is long, caressing her back slowly as they reach her
shoulder line, tied at the back of her neck, with a blood red ribbon
carrying a silver seal with a crest on it.  Her neck is long, and well
placed, leading down on her body.  Her shoulders appear to be those of an
athletic person, even for her advanced age, without ruining her feminine
build.  Her body is strong in build and firm.  Her legs are long, appearing
to be strong as well, providing solid footage when the woman moves.  The
elder woman is overly beautiful and well placed, despite her years which is
hidden well.  She carries herself with a noble demeanour every time she
moves or talks.  Her age might be well concealed by her elven heritage, yet
an experienced eye could determine that she is nearing the venerable elven

 o [Attributes] Elriorith, Departed Spirit, Dusk                             o
 o    Status: Grand Master(1)   Race: Elf              Class: Priest         o
 o       Age: 273                Sex: Female            Size: Medium         o
 o Alignment: Principled   Handiness: Right handed  Religion: Alshain        o
 o       STR: Powerful           INT: Genius             WIS: Wise           o
 o       DEX: Nimble             CON: Healthy            CHA: Sociable       o
 o Carrying capacity: 16 items with a maximum weight of 255.0 pounds.        o

 o [Scores] Elriorith,, Departed Spirit, Dusk                                o
 o    Status: Grand Master(1)   Race: Elf              Class: Priest         o
 o   Kingdom: Zhenshi          Cabal: Fists of the White Swan (Member)       o
 o     Coins: zero                                                           o
 o  Carrying: 0/16 items                    Load: 0.0/255.0 pounds           o
 o    Health: Excellent       Mental: Pulsating     Physical: Fresh          o
 o Attribute points: 0        Wimpy:   0 percent    Mode: Stun/neutral       o
 o You are hungry.                                                           o
 o You are standing.                                                         o
 o You may advance to the next level.                                        o
 o You have played a full lifetime in hour(s) so far.                                      o

Enough with the stats and so forth. I will not be posting any spells/skills list, they were mediocre. I never spend time to master my spells or skills. Those I used constantly, were mastered, the rest were not. Simple as that.

Elriorith’s background:

Elriorith was born in Ayamao Age: 728 T.A.
Early in her childhood she met pain and loss, as she lost her brother. And that is where her journey begun. Her mother pledged her to the White Flame, as Elriorith recovered from near drowning experience when her brother was lost and faced a newborn Dawn. Her mother took this as a sign and pledged her to Alshain. Young Elriorith, begun to train that early.

(Invested by vaynereinhart (Vayne) on Thu Jun 09, 2005)

When she came of age, at year 829 T.A., she joined the flock of Lord Alshain through Vayne’s blessings, taking the Vows. She worked hard within the church, to give as much as she could, and learn plenty. Elriorith became a Favored Chaplain pretty fast, due to the lack of elder active clerics in the church.

(Became H3 Cleric around Thu Jul 07, 2005, remaining solo F3 around Mon Aug 01, 2005)

Elriorith had a hard time as the church crumbled around her, with all the members going inactive. She strived to learn all about Lord Alshain’s Domains, History and so forth alone. Having none around to aid, guide, teach her, she strived to the best of her ability to come up with certain rules and a structure that would bring the faith back. And that was the first time Alshain descended before her, in person. Elriorith was stunned with the majesty of her Lord, and once she received His blessings, she changed her title to Voice of Dawn, as He requested. She tripled her efforts from that time on.

Somewhere early in her life as well, she was invested into the White Swan Order, a mystical group of monks that drew her attention from day one. She became a student of the Bushido, seeking Enlightment. She always tried to balance the Crusading duties of the church, with the peaceful nature of the Monastery, and I am glad to think she has managed that. She was able to separate the Crusader Elriorith when her religion demanded action, from the peaceful bushido monk Elriorith, who would always listen, and try to find non hostile solutions.

A few years later, she begun to plot to remove Abbot Tonth from the leadership of the Monastery, as she felt that this dwarf disciple of Aludra, was indeed burying the order. Her calm and patient efforts paid off, as Tonth retired entirely after a while. Elriorith, became the Monastery Abbess. Being both the Voice and the Abbess was a gruesome burden, yet one she accepted to it’s every extent, and worked hard to neglect none of the two duties.

Somewhere along that time, she squired under Burton of Truth in Castle Morea. She wished to learn the ways of the Templar Paladins, for there was no Knight in the religion for quite some time, and she wanted to be able to direct the young Paladins of the church. She never claimed the title of the Paladin or the Knight in her entire life, although she was admitted into the Paladin Council as a Councilor later on.

In her long life, Elriorith had her moments. She was able to accomplish pretty much everything she wished, using both politics as she learned them in the monastery, religious status which was presented to her by her Lord, as well as the elven patience and longevity.

She had her flaws, quite many indeed as any normal character would. She wanted to be heard whenever something occurred that concerned her, and she ruled both the Dawn’s Church and the White Swan with a strict ethical code, similar to a military organization. Yet she always had an ear for democracy, and always took the time to listen to others, valuing their opinions. She made several mistakes, and had various errors in judgment in her life, yet she learned from those, through time and hardship. She was far from perfect.

Elriorith slowly transformed from a zealous Crusader into a Bushido Sensei, mostly because of the influence of the monastery. She came to understand the reason of Balance within the realms, something she gained from Filliokwe’s company. She also came to hold Lord Achernar second only to her Lord, for various reasons, with main reason that without Death, there can be no Rebirth. In her whole life, she was the only Chosen of Alshain to see Him in person, three times, which were the number of times she called to Him for aid and guidance.

Some of her successes in her life were:
a) Rebuilding the Church
b) Reforming the White Swan Order
c) Seeking the burial place of Queen Serena and aiding in setting her free, after eons of imprisonment.
d) Aiding the Zhang Empress come to power.
e) Sealing the daemon portal in the Ayamaoan woods.
f) Rebuilding the Temples of Alshain in Nerina, Exile, Ayamao.
g) Aiding in preventing the coming of the Dark Prophecy.
h) Constructing a set of secret sanctuaries of Lord Alshain in places He would otherwise be unwelcome.
i) Taking parts in several Crusades and Wars.
j) Composing three books for the Alshain Faith.
k) Restoring Achernar into power, preventing the End at the end of the Millennium.

Elriorith had to depart the common life, and seek a hermit’s venture at some point in her life. She was involved into the Dark Prophecy, and was bound to be of aid, willingly or unwillingly. Following her Lord’s Visions and Directions, she diminished and headed south into the ancestral woods of Ayamao, where she lived a hermitic life for more than fifty years. She returned, venerable and mature, having found peace with herself, when her Lord dictated the church was in need of Rebirth. She came back to find an empty church, deteriorating. She made it her last goal to bring Rebirth, and late in her life, she managed to invest more than thirty disciples of all professions into the church, in less than a decade. About the same time, once she was confident the Church would stand on it’s own feet once she was gone, she sought to make amends with the White Swan’s monks, and be accepted back. And so she was, welcomed back into her home.

Her final battle as a Crusader of the White Flame, was against a Hellion of War that ended up with her dying Courageously, yet considering it was her last battle, it was a glorious one, and a most suitable. Sargas against Alshain, as in the very history itself.

Once more, she was faced and brought before the Dark Prophecy, nearing the completion of her life. At the age of 273, the Millennium was at hand. Lord Achernar was rumored to have fallen ill, and the River was dissolving. Through the wisdom gained throughout her long elven life, and with the aid of her brethren of the Monastery and those of her Church, along with disciples of Lord Death, she came up with an idea that could possibly provide a solution. Seeing through deception and trickery, she managed to lead a group of a faithful few, to Lord Achernar’s location. There, they found him lost, disoriented and weakened.

Elriorith’s last action, was that of the ultimate sacrifice. Through selflessness, she performed her last ceremony, a Purification Rite through Lord Alshain’s blessings, drawing the taint and the corruption from Lord Achernar’s soul unto her own chaste, unmarred soul. The consequences were catastrophic for her, exactly as she had anticipated. Yet such was her duty, the way she saw it, and so she acted. Dissolving from the energies she pulled from within Lord Achernar, the Lord of Death stood anew, conscious and strong as ever before. Then, with a smile of serenity on her face, and her existence being whole, she dissipated into the River, flowing towards her beloved Father, Alshain, to seek whatever form of Rebirth He would deem her worthy of.

Thus, ends the life of Elriorith Il’hmarien, Voice of Alshain, Bushido Sensei of the White Swan. Year, 1001 T.A.

I could not possibly begin to mention names and start thanking individual characters. 2005 to 2008 is quite some time, and I fail to keep track of everyone. (Yet if you comment about any specific event, I will propably answer :) )
I believe Elriorith was my most prominent character. She surpassed both Nimotlhar and Enfaustina in every aspect. It is too hard to let her go, after three long years with her, it tears me apart, yet such is the game and the course of time.

I would like to thank –everyone- in SK, for making this game the glorious game it is, for making time spend within the game, and epic saga of all sorts. I would like to thank those who liked her, those who hated her, those who like me and even those who dislike me as a player. Most of all, I would like to thank the Immortals I have interacted with, for being open minded, willing to participate in Roleplaying, as well as give through Building, working so that we, the players can enjoy. Great work guys, I salute you!

I believe I have done my part in building and constructing, as well as contributing for the game in every way possible for a mere player. No I will not roll another character anytime soon, I need to get Elriorith behind me and such will take some time. I will remain on the forums and on Yim normally, perhaps appearing as a ghost here and there from time to time, until I can find both the time, and the will to roll a new one :)

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart!

(I may post some more if anything worthy comes to mind at a later time.)

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:45 am 

Joined: Wed May 05, 2004 1:58 am
Posts: 2423
Location: Athens, Greece
I really loved this character. A great elf and a great Alshainite imho. It was always an excellent experience to RP with her, whether it was to attack her with my hellion or simply RP with her with various chars of mine. Mad props for keeping her for so long, too.

Kudos, and good luck with your next. :drunk:

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:45 am 
Mortal Philanthropist

Joined: Sun Feb 08, 2004 1:41 pm
Posts: 1086
Location: Hugging a tree
SK Character: Imolth
What can I say, I remember Elriorith back from the days and I can say that she kept a steadily high level of RP at all times. I wish you the best and I hope that the 'getting over' of such a long lived char will not be at the cost of your play hours.

Superb char and I am really looking forward to your next.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:09 am 

Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 6:16 am
Posts: 470
Location: Zhenshi
Thanks for the countless opportunities and experiences all around with this character. I had unfortunately been off doing holiday weekend related stuff. I'm just saddened as I have an alias on a character of mine that was interacting with you that had a countdown from 995 of 8 years from the amount of time Ellie thought she had left at one point. So sad.

And yet, given the RP circumstances at the end, the character's probably going to live on... for all Time.

Best of luck wherever life takes you. Kudos.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:00 am 

Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2003 7:26 am
Posts: 1908
Location: Under my covers... sleeping
Bummed I didn't get to interact more. Sorry to see her go.

Cheers :drunk:


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:14 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:19 pm
Posts: 562
This is a sad, sad day to see the old lady go. :(

Elriorith took a chance on a greybie who she saw excellent behavior from. She realized just how much change the greybie had done in her own life to walk the path of those of Courage. I'm just sorry you disappeared and we didn't get to see more of what could have happened.

Elriorith was also a mentor to Lirimaer. Liri had two very opposite mentors, a Courage Fistie and a Death Harlequin. Elriorith was always a good influence on Lirimaer and gave her the courage to stand up for what she believed in. A path that usually gets Lirimaer into lots of trouble. ;)

Keeping a character for so long is really, really hard. I know there have been a few alts along the way, but in the end, you always returned to Elriorith.

It is a sad day to see her go. The excellence of RP always to be found with her is what makes her such an awesome character.

I just regret RL ate me alive and prevented a certain darkie from really taking the war to Elri!

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:35 pm 

Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 4:55 pm
Posts: 1110
Location: Ithaca, NY
I wasn't fond of her. She was intensely boring, fairly 1-dimensional, didn't ever feel like she was alive in my interactions with her. It wasn't just a lack of emotion or response, but that her reactions felt very generic, highly static, and totally predictable.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:41 pm 

Joined: Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:21 pm
Posts: 689
Location: Savannah, GA
SK Character: Aise
This is one of my favorite elves of all time, the best RPer ive seen in a long time. Im lucky to have been able to seen her end, and very lucky to spend the last moments of this great character with her. GREAT job with this one, if you have a next, lets see more of your brilliant RP :wink:

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:03 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:43 am
Posts: 5614
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
SK Character: Pilnor, Surrit, Berr, Rall
Dang, I remember seeing you around occasionally with Valtari. Sounds like a fitting end for a priestess of Alshain, at the end of her years.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:17 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:28 pm
Posts: 709
Location: Nederland, CO
I appreciated the continuity she provided for the Church and enjoyed our interactions as Pilcester. Nice work.


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