Nymia was of course a half elf. Half deep, half human, his mother was a deep elf sorceress and his father a human Hellion. Living in Uxmal region, they were slain by some Alshanite Zealots on a purification mission, though Nym was spared due to being young. He was about six or so, and they left him to die in the wilds figuring the animals would get him.
Instead, he grew up jungle book style, living with the animals and mimicing their actions to stay alive. He didn't have any sense of civility or morals, so his needs came first. He was very cannibalistic in that sense that if he saw someone and he was hungry, they were no more to him than food. Nymia for some strange reason, blocked his past. He would freeze up and just start bawling whenever anyone mentioned his parents, and then shortly after wonder why, as he couldn't remember. Spirit steeds made him very uncomfortable as well, and he wanted to instinctively attack them, though he restrained himself.
Around the age of fourteen, he met a woman living in the wilderness who saw him. Generally he was very careful in this regards. She taught him to speak basic zhenish and also how to bathe properly using waterfalls etc. Before hand, he bathed much like a cat, licking his hand and washing himself.
After a while, he grew attached to the woman, but he was still very much like a wild animal, wandering off and such. It was then that she placed a collar around Nymia's neck and began treating him like a pet. At first, he loved the attention as he considered himself no more than an animal, and it never clicked that he was actually just a pet. As long as he got food, water and shelter, he didn't care. It was after he went on an extended roaming trip and came back, she tried to put him in a cage. This tore him apart as the suddenly "nice woman" was no longer nice to him, and to Nymia, his freedom was above all. He was too simple minded and had neer seen a collar before, so he couldn't remove it, though he tugged and pulled and bit at it, it never came loose, though it eventually rotted off, leaving a nasty scar on his neck. There were a few people in SK who resembled that, and he'd occasionally mention her to them. (Mostly the brown haired females.) Due to this, he would almost instantly become attached to them if they were nice to him.
At 16, he decided to explore civilization, generally avoiding it, curiosity got the better of him and he went to Nerina, using his basic zhenish he had learned, enrolled in the schools to become a scout. Though he never truly got over his animal habits, people tried to "civilize" him several times, only to fail. He also had a few interesting discussion with people who tried to place themselves above animals. Generally his logic, while simple, proved effective as it got people to really think hard on that. Others it simply pissed off as they were too good to be considered such a savage word.
Nymia bonded with darkies more so than lighties. While the lighties would try to civilize him, teach him manners, and be very imposing, the darkies left him alone. He liked this much better and he would follow random people around if he liked the way they looked, smelled, etc. Upon following Vinziella, he ran across Alifer, who got slain. Seeing a shield better than his and not as banged up or heavy, his simple logic kicked in. "Dead people don't need shields." Thus he took it. Alifer, of course tried to convince him to hand it back over, in which Nymia stubbornly refused, as it was no longer Alifer's shield anymore. Conflict ensued and Alifer tried killing him multiple times, though never directly succeeded.
After talking with Aiden, Nymia learned that Elves were supposed to be good people that are nice. Yet this shield was making Alifer, a good Elf, mean. So, he destroyed it so it wouldn't make anymore good people mean. That is when the two harlies come in and ganked Nymia without so much a word at Expert status. The first time. They took his things, not a big deal. He went out and restored some stuff and picked back up on the conversation he was having, though lacked a weapon while he waited for his spirit to readjust.
At the time, I was trying something a bit different. I decided to make Nymia's darker side more present in which it was completely out of character for him to talk in such a civilized form of speech. He told them simply "Death is but a fleeting moment." and shortly threatened them afterwards, like any animal backed in a corner would do.
This only enticed them to kill him again twenty minutes later, and again, take his things. I decided I would scrap that part of his character and just keep his simple mindedness. However, due to the lack of any RP before the kill, they didn't even consider, look or even try to speak to me before hand, I lost all interest in the character as people started to ignore him. Finding people to RP with grew to be more of a challenge and eventually I just stopped logging in on him as I had a feeling they were just going to kill me over and over again, no matter how many people I asked to convince them not to icly. The game simply stopped being fun for me at that point. As a tip to anyone who doesn't know, due to my very first character being PK'd into deletion, I don't manifest to RPless kills as such. No matter how valid they are, it just irks me the wrong way. Thus they seanced me both times, forcing me to.
In anycase, yeah he's gone. So much for trying to play a simplistic minded character. Take care. I doubt I'll have another character.