I can't imagine how you can consider capping enchants at 4 per item (1 greatly or 2 moderates) could be a nerf to casters.
If you are worried that everyone will run around with +4 MP on every item, then add explosion/fade chance based on attempting to stack the same enchant on an item, like there is for trying to pump two spells in a single flask or two spells on a single scroll.
This would make it easy to get +1 fort, +1 ref, +1 will, +1 MP, but trying to put +4 of anything on one item would be difficult (25% success to go from 3-4?)
The other benefit of moving to a fixed limit is that it opens the possibility to allow stat enchants. You could choose to add +2 strength to any item, but you would then only have 2 slots left to put spell saves.
The benefits of this change would be as follows:
1) reduces/eliminates excessive time consumed to obtain a moderately enchanted suit
2) allows the option of stat enchants
3) removes the possibility of +60 mp, +30 fort, +30 will, +30 ref suits
Here are my results after spending a few days setting up a scale+MV suit with my priest. I took notes, which I assume any decent enchanter would do to keep track of my progress over the days:
ring1: 3mp (floral)
ring2: 4mp, 1 ref, 1 will (RUBY)
neck1: 5mp 1 fort
neck2: 6mp (neckguard)
symb: 1 fort
jerk: 2mp, 1 will, 1 ref, 3 fort
hood: 3 mp , 3 fort, 1MR
greaves: 3mp, 3 will, 1MR
boots: 2mp, 2will, 2ref
gloves: 3mp 2 fort 1 ref
sleeves: 2mp, 2 fort, 1 will, 1 MR
belt: 1mp, 1 fort, 2 will, 2 ref
wri1: 3mp
wri2: 1mp, 2 will
dawn: 3mp, 1 ref, 1 fort
scept: 1 mp, 2 will 3 fort
surc: 4mp
mp: 46 ref: 7 fort:17 will: 14
It's not super-elite (and 3 MRs), but I imagine it's the sort of thing that anyone with a few days of free time can come up with. My changes would make this level of suit basically top-end but also reduce the time required to obtain such an outfit.